Category "fermentation"

Can wine be made from tomatoes?

Can wine be made from tomatoes? Do they have enough sugar to feed the yeast? Are they too acidic?

Can wine be made from citrus fruits?

Can wine be made from citrus fruits? They have sugar to feed the yeast. Or does the citric acid interfere with the fermentation process? I'm familiar with limo

How do you make unsalted olives?

How do I cure olives without using salt? Is oil the only option? Or salt free fermentation of some sort? I found this one claiming to be unsalted but couldn't

Will an airtight container negatively affect yeast growth / dough expansion?

I've had a lot of success making bread and pizza dough using the Jim Lahey "No knead" method, leaving the covered dough to ferment up to 18 hours. I normally c

When making yogurt, why doesn't bad bacteria grow as well?

I've been making Yogurt and Coconut Yogurt for a long time. I've always wondered why one can't leave milk out for more than an hour or so without it going off,

Can store bought honey be used to infuse garlic and honey?

The only question I could find about honey infused garlic on the site was Honey-fermented garlic left open overnight but they do not mention what type of Honey

Yoghurt making : effects of temperature and duration [duplicate]

As I am fairly new to making yoghurt at home I would like to understand the effects that temperatures and time have on the end product in both

Can I ferment blanched cabbage?

I've blanched some cabbage and I wonder if I can ferment it in order to have sauerkraut. Will it work? Will it be safe? Edit I followed the recommendations and

Acidity level not increasing when fermenting cauliflower

I am currently part way through my first attempt at vegetable fermentation. Today marks the 4th day of fermenting some cauliflower, and things seem to be doing

Interpreting recipes from a different culture (specifically India) [closed]

I've tried to make dahi (indian "curd", or yogurt) a few times, but it has always turned out more like cottage cheese (English "curds and whey

Can fermented hot peppers be used to make jam / jelly?

I've had a bountiful hot pepper harvest this year and am trying to find a variety of ways to preserve them. Much of my harvest has been lacto-fermented by pure

What stops my pickles from turning into alcohol?

Just trying to learn the difference between lactic fermentation and alcoholic fermentation.. I'm a bit confused - is the only thing stopping my pickles from bec

Can I further ferment store-bought kim-chi?

I find that store bought kim-chi is not very fermented. Real kim-chi, as I understand it, is pickled and then buried in the ground for a year. Can I just bury

Millet (wild yeast/sourdough) fermentation decreasing thickness of the slurry

In order to reproduce a traditional Turkish drink recipe for Boza. Which has a thick consistency, low alcohol content (around 1%), and a slightly acidic sweet f

Pizza bulk fermentation vs proofing (2nd cycle)

I recently made Pizza following a recipe that asked to bulk ferment for 24 hours in the fridge, then shape and then proof for another 24 hours in the fridge (in

Does bubbly froth mean my vinegar batch needs trashed?

I have been making apple cider vinegar at home for a while now. My current batch has white powdery, bubbly froth forming on the top of the bottle and some powde

Rising pizza dough in the fridge after punching it?

EMERGENCY! I am making a pizza recipe and am deciding between having it for dinner tonight or tomorrow. I was originally planning on doing it tomorrow because

What specific sugars are found in apple cider, apple juice, and apple cider vinegar?

My wife has a chronic, not-very-well-understood GI condition that includes hyper-sensitivity to certain foods. We're looking to more information about the chem

How can I make a yogurt starter culture from scratch?

Let's say for whatever reason that I cannot or don't want to get store-bought yogurt. How can I create a probiotic culture to make some from fresh milk? I saw

What vessel should I choose for Lactofermentation?

Do I have to use a mason jar to ferment veggies? Or would any jar do? In case of the latter, does it have to be air sealed?