Category "cast-iron"

Is it safe to cook wine or vinegar in cast iron?

I want to cook a beef brisket, following a recipe that suggests baking it on a bed of onions and red wine, or red wine vinegar. I'd like to use a cast iron dut

What to do with a Sizzler?

We were gifted a Sizzler yesterday - a sort of elongated shallow cast-iron pan on a wood base for serving and keeping warm at the table. I know these are suppos

cast iron pan rusting on bottom surface

I have a great cast iron skillet that I use frequently and also take superb care of. Until I noticed the bottom is coated in rust. I believe the high heat that

What is the purpose of using potato peels for seasoning a cast iron pan?

My first ever cast iron pan just arrived. The package contains following seasoning directions. Wash with clothes detergent (not soap or dish detergent) to

Why do I need to cook milk in a cast iron pan before first usage?

I bought a cast iron grill pan from a famous Swedish four-letter store. They suggested boiling milk with some vegetable oil before starting to use the grill. W

Can deglazing a cast iron skillet remove the seasoning?

I would love to combine two of the best things in cooking, deglazing with a fonds or wine and my cast iron skillet, which I have been seasoning for a couple of

What oil is best for seasoning a cast-iron skillet

I just cleaned up a rusty cast-iron skillet and I would like to season it. The thing is that I don't have lard handy and I'm wondering whether any of my other o

Wok: Carbon steel or cast iron?

I LOVE stirfrying (I probably do it 4 times a week) and I want to take it to the next level (or 2). I am going to get this burner to cook my stirfry's out on th

Is there a good way to cook a hamburger on a cast iron skillet?

So I'm trying to find a consistent way of getting good quality, medium-rare burgers without firing up the grill. The burgers always end up cooked on the outsid

Left my cast iron on the hot burner, now what?

So the other day, while baking off excess water after washing, I spaced out and forgot it was there and headed upstairs for say, an hour. When I got back down

Keeping food warm: does cast iron make a suitable potluck vessel?

I'm making this hash recipe for a potluck at work tomorrow. Tonight I did all my prep: Peeled, diced, roasted the sweet potatoes Diced the onion Diced the ap

Why are most enamelled cast iron dutch ovens only rated up to 400-450°F?

I've been investigating getting an enamelled cast iron dutch oven and am surprised to find that most of them don't recommend going over 400-450°F (200-230&d

Do you season a cast iron waffle pan before using?

I just bought a cast iron waffle pan. I've seen conflicting advice about whether it should be seasoned. I have several old cast iron pans and my instinct would

How much could I safely heat a content-less cast-iron pan?

To which temperature could I safely heat my cast-iron pan on the stove, without any contents? I don't want to re-season it afterwards. Afterwards, I'd just let

Can I increase my iron intake by eating food cooked with cast iron?

Can I eat food cooked in cast iron to leach iron into the food? Is it a significant amount?

Why reoil a cast-iron pan after usage?

I've been recommended to reoil my cast-iron pan by letting it absorb some oil on the remaining heat of the stove before drying it, each time after using it. Is

What are preaseasoned cast iron pans preseasoned with?

I'm shopping for new pans right now and keep seeing cast iron advertized as "preseasoned". What does this mean? What are they preseasoning it with?

No oil on non-stick pans?

My boyfriend is convinced that a non-stick coating on a pan (Teflon, seasoned cast iron, eco-ceramic, what have you) is equivalent to eliminating the need for u

Is it normal that I keep burning my seasoning off my cast iron?

I use cast iron, a lot. But I've got a problem, whenever I do something that requires high heat or really anything over medium (which is somewhere around 450-5

Could a cast iron skillet change its ways and be kosher for a vegan?

If this sounds like a ridiculously neurotic question, that's because it is. That said, and discussion aside, according to Par[e]ve kitchen certifications and or