Category "wine"

What would adding wine (red or white?) do when cooking Vindaloo?

This is my first post, so please be gentle. I am cooking chicken Vindaloo and I'm trying to get a bit creative. I have never heard of adding wine to vindaloo,

What is the impact of high heat on wine?

I usually use wine in my tomato sauces, which are usually slowly simmered on the lowest heat setting. I'd really like to make this recipe from The Pioneer Woma

Can I make risotto without wine?

I want to make risotto without using any alcohol. I am a vegetarian and I want to use vegetarian or mushroom stock only (without any meat). What is the role o

Can rosehip tisane be used as a substitute for red wine in cooking?

I'm currently watching a cooking series (The Everyday Gourmet) and in one of the lessons the chef talks about what to look for in a wine. For red wine he mentio

Wine substitutions for homemade salami

I want to make my own salami but I'm interested in alternative ways to lower the ph of the meat. I have people in the house with dependency issues so using wine

Will freezing a bottle of vermouth change it's quality, life length or properties?

I accidentally froze an unopened bottle of white Vermouth. I've read that opening the bottle will cause the vermouth to slowly oxidase and you should finish the

I have a bottle of unopened 23 year old corked spanish white cooking wine

with laurel leaves steeping in it as well. I bought it at the Placio De Espania in 1992. Would it still be safe for use?

Can I learn to like wine?

Wine, especially combined with the right food, seems to be a great deal among gourmets. I'd love to enjoy those highly-praised combinations too, but unfortunate

Does oak aged wine contain vanillin?

"Vanilla" is one of the aromas used when described red wines. I am allergic to natural proteins in vanilla, per Elisa blood test. I am interested to know whet

Why are predominantly grapes an ingredient in wine?

Commonly, wine is defined as an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes. In contrast to this, wines made from other fruits are called fruit wine (except m

How important are each of temperature, humidity, and vibration for storing wine?

I'm deciding whether to buy a wine chiller for my apartment, maybe this one. I could only realistically keep it on top of my refrigerator. The alternative would

Do I chill mead?

I've just bought a bottle of mead for the first time - do I need to chill it before drinking, like a white wine, or let it breathe before drinking, like a red w

Replacing dry white wine with bubbly

I have an onion soup recipe that calls for dry white wine. Can I replace the dry white wine with simple white cava/lambrusco? NOTE: I'm aware that there are a

Residue in cork

I opened a recently purchased wine (a Grenache 2012), and the part of the cork that was in contact with the wine looked like the picture Part of the residue

Questions about shaoxing wine

What kind of shaoxing wine should I be looking to buy? My supermarket has shaohsing rice cooking wine which has salt added. After looking online, there seem t

Can I soak dried fruit in sweet wine instead of liqueur for use in fruitcakes?

The recipes for fruitcake that I've looked at say to soak the dried fruit in brandy, rum, etc., i.e., something with a high alcohol content. I've been using li

Acid content of wine vs. vinegar?

I'm making bone broth, and the recipe says to add 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice (to 5# bones and 5 qts. water) to help draw the minerals out of the bo

Do I need to let wine breathe if I'm cooking with it?

Some red wines benefit from being allowed to breathe for some time before being drunk. If I'm using such a wine for cooking rather than drinking, do I still ne

What is the difference between expensive wine and regular wine?

It's fairly known at most supermarkets and stores you can get regular, cheap wine. However, at some stores who dedicate themselves solely to liquor and spirits

A recipe inspired by Brat cheese sauce/Cooking in Wine

I followed a recipe to the effect of: boil Brat sausages in 24 ounces of beer remove sausages (do not drain the beer), pan fry or grill them add 2 c. sharp che