Category "tea"

Why is my Green Tea Brown but then Green when I reuse the bag?

I've read the posts about why Green Tea can appear brown, and it makes perfect sense. However, what I'm experiencing is different. When I reuse my Green Tea

Can I boil water to temperature lower than 100 Celsius / 212 Fahrenheit to make a tea?

For many years I had a typical electric kettle. Whenever I wanted a 75 Celsius / 167 Fahrenheit water to make a green tea, I had to boil it up to 100 Celsius /

Can you brew black tea in a macchinetta?

If I use black tea leaves (not grounded leaves like in commercial teabags), and place them in the macchinetta (either instead of a coffee, or with the water). I

What is water temperature after electric kettle switches off?

My tea preparation prescriptions says to prepare it using water heated to 96 Celsius degrees. When water heated in standard, typical electric kettle reaches t

Sugar/salt frosted around the top of a cup/mug

Recently I managed to accidentally get a bunch of raw sugar crystals stuck to the rim of a mug of tea. Drinking the tea over the sugar, being able to balance o

What green tea has the highest caffeine content?

How do these teas rank by caffeine content: Japanese dragon pearls, Matcha organic green tea, and gyokura imperial green tea? Is there any green tea with more t

Oolong leaves not unfurling

I just ordered some new loose leaf oolong, and I've noticed that the leaves don't unfurl all that much--even after two or three steeps. I've noticed with past o

How should I clean my metal mesh tea strainer?

I have one of these teeli tea strainers, and it's wonderful. It's a very fine metal mesh basket with plastic frame. I've had it for perhaps 10+ years and it's s

Why can I resuse green tea leaves several times, but not black?

Simple question really - why is it I can reuse green tea leaves 2-3 times with minor degradation in the quality of tea, but I can't do the same thing with black

How is British tea prepared?

Do you add any flavor of British breakfast tea? I need to know how it is prepared; either with or without additional flavor.

Shatter resistant tea carafe/pitcher/pot

First let me explain how I make tea. In the morning I take a pot of boiling water and pour it into a carafe. I let the the water sit for a minute. I then pour

Is there any diminishing return on grinding spices for a "tea"?

I'm actually making root beer, but I've found the best way is to boil herbs and spices the same way one would make a tea, and then I add sweetener, leave it to

Why does caffeine taste bitter when added to tea?

Black tea contains about 40 mg of caffeine. When adding 80 mg of caffeine powder, the tea tastes bitter. Why doesn't caffeine that is already in the tea or in

Can I use sage tea as a herb while cooking

I have a bag of loose sage tea, that I do not use for tea. I was wondering whether or not I could use these leaves in my dishes. At first sight, it seems all sa

What teas with natural caffeine can be used for lemon tea? [closed]

I like to drink hot, naturally caffeinated tea (so no added caffeine please) in which one entire lemon or lime is prodded, pulped, and steeped

Caffeine pills don't dissolve in hot tea

I'm drinking Rooibos Vanilla Tea and I like to dissolve an 80 mg caffeine pill in it. I hand press the pills myself from pure caffeine powder. However, the pill

Why is my sassafrass root bark tea always so bitter?

I've been on a quest for a while now to make my own root beer. I've tried all sorts of recipes using all sorts of ingredients, and I now have this huge collecti

Tea infused with caffeine

I am trying to increase the level of caffeine in everyday tea to 150mg. I am using powder caffeine with L-theane. The powdered caffeine is obviously very bitter

How can I make my tea stronger?

I know it sounds like an obvious question. At work, my colleague has a drip-filter machine he uses to brew his tea. He puts about two table spoons for an eigh

Loose-leaf tea: specifics of re-steeping multiple times?

I'm an avid tea drinker who drinks several cups of loose-leaf tea every day. My usual steeping technique is to fill a teapot with about 3 cups of boiling water,