Category "recipe-scaling"

How do I calculate the nutritional values of a recipe?

I love to cook and experiment with recipes. While I'm aware that calories are not a perfect measure of what makes you gain weight and what doesn't, I would stil

Recipes - Adding up calories and nutritional info?

When cooking, a recipe has a list of ingredients. If I wanted to find the calories in the recipe would I just add up the calories of every ingredient? Same situ

Can home-made mozzarella be made in small batches (quart of milk instead of gallon)?

I've spotted a couple of articles (,

Is there any truth to the idea that you shouldn't multiply seasonings when multiplying a recipe?

I often hear cooks discuss that idea that if you are multiplying, say, a recipe for 4 to be a for 32, that you shouldn't multiply some herbs, spices, or salt. I

Mixing mushroom-potato-carrot soup and warming later (Should I?)

I've got what is probably a pretty basic question - but this is the first thing I've tried to prepare in my life that didn't involve boiling noodles and adding

Homemade sport drink [closed]

I'm trying to develop a recipe for homemade sport drink as Gaterade and the like contains unhealthy and/or unnecessary ingredients that I disl

How to make XXL Watermelon Jell-O Shots without falling apart?

I was trying to make XXL Watermelon Jell-O Shots but the Jell-O was not firm enough and fell apart. Should I use more Jell-O and less water next time? The recip

How much can I change the height of a cake?

It's pretty common to find cake recipes with pans that don't match the size of pans you have. I know ideally you would make sure total area of the pans is the s

Are there any recipe ingredients that scale in a non-uniform manner?

A question I asked on the stats Q/A has a comment that reads, [...] to make 8 times the amount of food a recipe describes you don't just octuple all the i

How can you make gelatin at home?

I'm looking for something maybe from a really old recipe book, be it fish, chicken or beef. I've been searching all over and obviously most people's opinions ar

Pressure cooking for one?

I just got myself a pressure cooker, one of those modern ones with both "sautee inside the cooker" functions. The problem is I'll be cooking pretty much for my

Quick bread formula?

Hi it seems the recipes for quick breads like banana bread, pumpkin bread etc are all very similar. Is there a good guide for a general quick bread recipe wher

How can I scale down a high-yield recipe that calls for a single egg?

Recipes for muffins and the like often involve eggs and the recipes are usually designed for a yield of about 20. I have a small oven and only want/can make abo

How many ounces is a British "tin" of tomatoes?

If I have a British recipe that lists "1 tin chopped plum tomatoes," how many ounces is that? In British English, does "tin" usually refer to a specific size? I

Adjusting cooking time and temperature when making smaller portions

I'm perfecting a recipe for queijadas de leite - a traditional Portuguese custard/pastry. It's a mixture of eggs/sugar/milk/flour, very liquid in its raw form.

How many cups is 8 whole peaches equivalent to?

I have some fresh peaches that have been peeled and sliced and mixed with some sugar and a little lemon (approx 1/2 a bushel). All the recipes I can find only

How to cook for a big group

I have to prepare a meal for a group of 60 people. I already have a recipe (Japanese curry with rice) but I have no clue how many of all the ingredients I need,

Sweet and sour chicken not sticky

I have been trying now for a while to make sticky sweet and sour chicken. It tastes great. But its not sticky. How do I achieve this? I only use chicken wings

Pudding Control Sample measurements

If anyone has noticed - recently I have been fascinated with pudding. And I mean the creamy dessert (sample picture). Since I encountered a myriad of recipes -

Are gourd leaves edible?

That is, the leaves of a gourd, I know a lot of menus include the fruit of the gourd, but not the leaves. I am looking for a way to eat them, if possible may