Category "muffins"

Why do I need over ripe bananas for banana muffins?

Okay, I won't use prefer to use raw bananas for sure. But, I wish to understand why are over ripe bananas required for the muffins. Why won't ripe (yellow) ban

Why were my banana muffins hard?

The top of my muffin came out a little hard, and the whole muffin wasn't soft enough. My recipe had 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 te

What's the difference between a cupcake and a muffin?

I was debating with someone today whether what we were eating was a cupcake or a muffin, but realized we didn't really know the difference. So what's the differ

Will old corn meal ruin muffins?

I have found a recipe for muffins that I'd like to make, and it calls for corn meal. I found some in the pantry, but I don't know when it was purchased. It does

Smallest muffin size without losing the muffin top?

This is a question about the physics of muffins. With a standard size muffin tray, when filled with batter, the heat and expansion causes the dough to spill ove

How important are eggs for a muffin recipe?

I have not actually read Michael Ruhlman's Ratio. I know that he describes a basic muffin as 2:2:1:1 of flour, liquid, egg and fat. Prior to discovering Ratio

How can I turn my muffin batter into the natural blue color from blueberries?

I'm trying to make blueberry muffins, and I will be folding the blueberries into the batter as well. How can I turn the batter slightly blue without adding exce

How can I convert a muffin recipe to make crumpets?

If I have a recipe that I like for muffins (in the original English sense of the word, i.e. a fat disc of bread that's made from cooking a yeasted batter on a g

Raspberries too wet in muffin

I made white chocolate raspberry muffins the other day after being inspired by these muffins at a cafe near work. They were absolutely delicious (warmed up in a

Can I cook 2 very different things at same time in the oven?

I want to bake Chicken and Chocolate Chip Muffins in an overlapping time period, at the same temperature, in separate pans, of course. I think it saves time, o

The muffins were rock hard, what did I do wrong?

Here is the recipe I used, I did not mix it for long, as that make the muffins very hard. The muffins were very hard, and had a bad after taste and smell. I m

Avocado substitute in blueberry muffin recipe

I have a vegan blueberry muffin recipe. I'm not vegan, but like anything as long as it tastes good. The recipe calls for an avocado to be used as the fat. I

What are the benefits of whisking when making muffins?

What are the benefits of whisking when making muffins?

Crumble added to muffins before baking

I put a crumble on my blueberry as recipe called for, why did they caved in? Could it be the altitude?

What size cake pan could be substitued in place of muffins?

I have a recipe that the blogger said made 24 mini muffins and had enough batter left for 4 regular sized muffins. If I want to make it into a cake or loaf, wh

Baking Double Pans of Muffins

Do you need to adjust baking time or temperature when baking more than one pan of muffins at the same time in a single oven?

What to add if low-carb muffins don't rise and are crumbly

I followed this recipe for low-carb lemon poppy seed muffins. I only substituted coconut for almond flour and granulated monk fruit for splenda. The mix was rea

Why are the blueberries in my blueberry muffins not melting?

I've made a few batches of blueberry muffins and the first batch turned out perfectly. After that batch, I tried to substitute honey for sugar (just testing th

What's the difference between fresh and frozen blueberries for baking?

A recipe I have has a review that states that frozen blueberries in a blueberry muffin are absolute garbage and only fresh ones will give you that desired taste

Why does my English muffins package say to use a fork or fingers instead of a knife to open them?

I bought some Thomas English muffins and on the back it says for "Toasted perfection" the muffin should be split apart by hand or with a fork. Why does it not s