Category "duck"

Peking Duck Sauce

I have just visited China (Beijing). There I had Peking Duck which was wonderful. They served it with a sauce - sort of sweet, brown and thick. I was wondering

How to cook/serve Confit de Canard?

I was in France some time ago and bought some Confit de Canard with me back home. But how do I cook it for best result? And what do I serve with it? Also, what

Tips for grilling duck legs?

I recently attempted to grill duck legs on my propane Webber. I was afraid of flare-ups due to the high fat content in the duck meat so I grilled with somewhat

How should I add wine to the sauce for my duck?

I have some chicken stock that I've made, that I want to use as a base for a sauce for some duck. I am roasting the duck bones at the moment and will simmer th

How long will Duck Fat last before going bad

I've drained the fat from a roasted duck, placed it in a closed container, saved it in the 'fridge, not quite sure how long it will last??

Cooking duck breasts

I've just purchased some locally reared organic duck breasts from a local farmers market and have decided to cook them according to the Five-spiced duck breasts

What is the traditional accompaniment for Duck Confit?

I have a few duck legs that I made a confit from earlier this week. I'm thinking of serving them with Parmesan Dauphinoise and some beans from the garden tonigh

Is rare duck breast safe?

Other forms of poultry are regarded as undercooked at the slightest sign of pink juices and yet it is common practice to cook duck so that it's medium rare. Is

What happened to my duck?

This happened a couple of years ago, but I still don't have an answer. Christmas eve. I had a duck in the oven. I tried to cook it at a slightly lower temperatu

I would like to hear any techniques involved in making Turducken for Thanksgiving

A Turducken is a de-boned chicken stuffed into a de-boned duck, which then is stuffed into a de-boned turkey. I would like to try this but would first like to h

roast duck leg with plum sauce

I'm thinking of roasting some duck legs on a bed of plums, much like the recipe here does with breast. However, it suggests simply blending the bed of plums onc

Differences between cooking a whole duck vs chicken or turkey?

I've cooked whole turkeys and chickens many times, but never a whole duck or any other "gamey" meat. Is there a difference in what should be done or technique

Difference between chicken and duck eggs?

Our local Korean grocery store carries duck eggs in addition to chicken and quail eggs (both of which I've eaten). What differences should I expect if I buy the

Can I use duck feet to make duck stock

I had my first crack at making chicken stock the other day and now I would like to try duck stock. One of the posts I read when learning how to make chicken st

One whole duck and extra pieces - how long in the oven?

I have a duck (a bit more than 3 kilos) and two additional breast pieces (each around 300g). Now I am wondering how long this should stay in the oven. Rule of t

Grilling duck - How can I get the fat?

I'm going to grill a whole duck tomorrow. I am going to steam the duck before so the fat will render off. When that's complete, I am going to have a pot full

Why do you slice whole ducks in half when roasting but not for other poultry?

Last time I made a roast, I used a recipe from BBC good food. Since I have had luck with those recipes, I decided to go for their roast duck recipe. That recip

What is an elegant way to serve whole duck livers? [closed]

Duck livers fried in butter are my favorite "chef's snack". I sometimes opt for roast duck for dinner so I can have my 4:00 treat. I've rece

Can I substitute duck breast for leg?

I managed to pick up a couple of duck breasts that were on offer. I had a nice meal recently that included duck breast served on duck hash. The recipe for thi

Color change in duck meat!

I roasted a duck some days ago, and while eating, the meat on the carcass slowly turned a sharp red, much like an apple turns brown. I can't find any informati