Category "ingredient-selection"

What's the least fatty meat to use in this recipe? [closed]

Mashed potato hash 1 cup mashed potatoes 1 cup ground meat (it doesn't matter what kind) 2-3 slices cheese (it doesn't matter what ki

Emulsifier: is it safe to cook mayonnaise?

I'm making some Buffalo wings sauce that calls for cayenne pepper sauce, butter, and oil to be heated together. I'd like to add a bit of mayonnaise (not sure ho

What could be the basic ingredients that potentiate sourness and bitterness?

When it comes to basic tastes (saltiness, sweetness, bitterness, sourness, and umami), I can easily think of very basic ingredients that could be considered the

What's the difference between carob powder, flour, and kibbled carob?

The whole carob pod, the pulp and the seeds are all edible, but which parts are used for the different core products? Does carob powder contain the entire pod,

Is it normal for collard greens to be red?

The collard greens that I have received are red. Is this normal/healthy? Image attached. Google searching this gives me zero results that are anywhere near r

Albacore or Yellow Fin

I once heard that one type of canned tuna is prone to have less mercury (poison) based upon the size it is at harvest or the location where it is commonly found

What is the minimal set of ingredients that English rice pudding can be made with?

While reading the Wikipedia article on rice pudding, my curiosity has gotten the better of me. Clearly, any flavourings, spices, toppings or sweeteners will be

What went wrong with my yuzu cheesecake?

Having seen an episode of The Great British Bake Off, I decided to bite off more than I could chew and made a yuzu cheesecake. As yuzu was described, on the pro

Will artificial sweeteners work in a coffee syrup recipe?

Here’s the recipe for coffee syrup Ingredients for 1 cup of coffee syrup 2 cups sugar 1 cup strong coffee Directions Mix sugar with the coffee Boil mixtu

Latkes variations

What various types of latkes are there? I mean besides the classic potato latke. I mostly curious as to Jewish foods for now.

Disney dole whip variants

Does Disney’s dole whip come in flavors besides pineapple? Disney must have had some ideas along those lines.

What food can contain a hot drink?

Tempered chocolate, thickened caramel, even ice can all be used to produce a container (aka cup, mug, glass) for a liquid which, after drinking, can then also b

What is the flavor quality that makes cheese "sharp"? Are there other seasonings or foods with this "sharp flavor?

I love the flavor of sharp cheese (especially cheddar) and was wondering what exactly it is that makes aged cheese taste sharper. I was also wondering if there

How can I recognize peaches with split pits?

Split pits in stone fruit can be a real problem for farmers, because fruit that are seriously affected can’t be sold. However, if the damage isn’t o

Eggs used as Binders

Eggs are commonly used as a binder in meatballs and other foods. If separated, is one part of the egg a stronger binder: Is the white a stronger binder than

Why do we like some combinations of ingredients, and not others? Are there any general rules?

I would like to know how something will taste, before cooking and trying it. Is it possible? Sometimes ingredients are too expensive for experimenting.

Making pizza toppings stay intact without using cheese

I am going to be following this recipe to make my pizza dough However, I have just realised we ran out of chee

Plantain were not ready to puree, can they be saved?

I was planning in making plantain empanadas but the plantains were not really ready and after boiling them for a long time and trying to puree them they ended u

Which one is better in Samosa dough,Ghee or Oil?

Which one is better in samosa dough, ghee or oil? some people use ghee in dough of samosa and some people use oil.Is there any difference in taste and texture o

Are there different grades or styles of bacon?

In commercials and when I go to restaurants (even fast food!) the bacon that I get is a reddish brown color and seems to be mostly meat, or at least meat textur