Category "wine"

What’s a good alternative to rice wine vinegar?

I find it difficult to source rice wine vinegar for recipes. I can usually find “rice vinegar“, “rice wine”, and “white wine vineg

Wondering if the bottle of wine I have is still good or not

During my move to a new place, I found a bottle of wine that I had kept in my refrigerator that was dated 2004. It was still sealed; it didn't look like anythin

Why does my red wine reduction go 'grainy'?

After frying some meat, say beef or lamb, sometimes I want to make a red wine reduction. After lifting the meat out of the pan I turn the heat down to low and

Would it be alright to substitute white balsamic vinegar for wine in risotto?

I'm really craving risotto but I don't have any wine in the house at the moment. I do have white balsamic vinegar, however.

Best substitute wine glass

I occasionally find myself opening a bottle of wine at a friend's ill-equipped house, and don't have any wine glasses handy. What type of serving cup/glass can

What is more difficult to make: beer or wine? [closed]

I would like to know, in your opinion, what is harder to produce: wine or beer. I mean, including all the steps: planting grapes or barley, ta

Way to fix sharp tasting sauce

I've made a sauce with some white wine (with cream & tarragon) but it's really sharp. Probably the wine was a bit old, or I didn't boil it off well enough -

What's an inexpensive substitute for Port wine?

Is there a good substitute for port? It's for a slow cooked pork loin recipe. I'm not concerned about the alcohol, but I would like to keep the cost down.

What is a more common substitute for Shaoxing cooking wine?

I have never cooked with Shaoxing wine, so I'm not sure what would be its best substitute.

will wine marinade kill bacteria? [closed]

After grocery shopping, my husband left vacuum sealed 2 jars of wine marinades herring outside the fridge on a shelf for 2 days. The shelf is

Does the alcohol in wine affect cooking process?

When cooking with wine or other booze does the alcohol have an affect on the cooking process? Example: deglazing a pan or making a wine-based sauce. My unders

Does it matter what type of wine is used to make mulled wine?

I had mulled wine at a French restaurant I went to for dinner last night, and it was a very dry wine - which was interesting, since there was definitely added s

What role does alcoholic liquid play in cheese fondue recipes?

Pretty much every recipe I've seen for cheese fondue includes either white wine (sometimes alongside kirsch/brandy) or some kind of beer in the delicious cheesy

How to pair cheese with wine?

It is common knowledge that cheese goes well with wine. However, the choice of which sort of cheese to pair with which wine seems an arcane discipline. Are th

Is it okay for cork to look a bit "moldy"?

I just opened a bottle of "white red wine" (a Blanc de Noirs) from 2010. I must confess, I really don't know much about wine. The cork looks weird to me, as i

Which wines have a strong, bitter flavor?

I experimented with adding wine and dark chocolate to a sauce. The result was generally OK, but the wine was not strong enough in comparison to the chocolate, I

Why do English recipes of “sauce marchand de vin” call for Worcestershire sauce?

The “sauce marchand de vin” is a French red wine thick sauce typically served with meat. Its recipe in my French cookbooks call for two main ingredi

Should I warm wine in the microwave?

Although warming wine in the microwave might seem like a "horrible" thing to do it clearly has some practical benefits. So will the microwave change the aroma

What is the standard amount (if there is one) for a "glass" of wine?

I have seen wine poured to various amounts in a wine glass; what amount is generally considered standard...4 oz, 6 oz, 8 oz?

How to recognize fizzy wine?

I don't have much theoretical knowledge about wine, but I like the taste. So I often get a random bottle from the wide selection at the supermarket, avoiding on