Category "wheat"

Wheat sourdough starter - "swamp" smell

Some time ago I have grown my own sourdough starter fed with 50/50 wholemeal rye & all-purpose wheat flour (with 100% hydration). It turned out great, it no

How to eat wheat as a staple?

I'm wanting to stop having rice as my staple and try something else. I was thinking to try wheat however I never heard that people eat pure wheat daily like th

Can I substitute...whole wheat for all-purpose flour for baked goods?

If we do any kind substitution in between whole wheat and all purpose flour, then what will be the effects on baked goods?

Which product for white chapatis?

I want to make some chapatis with water and wheat flour only. there should preferably be no mineral fortification or added ingredients and it has to be white a

Does microwaving fully cook chapatis?

I saw a video on how to make chapatis and someone made a comment saying you must allow chapatis to fully inflate because it is the steam inside them that cooks

What is the simplest way to cook wheat flour with salt distributed through the wheat?

I only want to use 3 ingredients wheat flour, salt and water and I want to ensure the salt is distributed throughout the wheat and not just the surface. I also

No Knead Bread comes out a tad gummy only in the center

I’m using 200g Bread flour, 50g Whole Wheat flour , 50g All-purpose flour, and 60g Rye. I add 2.25tsp of yeast, 2tsp sea salt, and 1.5cups filtered tap w

What does the ash content of broken wheat really mean?

I purchased some broken durum wheat (also called lapsi or daliya in India) to make upma and was shocked to find that it contained ash. It seemed silly that

Making pita more chewy/ rubbery

I make 100% whole wheat pita bread often. I use whole wheat flour, yeast, salt water and a touch of honey to feed the yeast. I would like my pita to be more che

Why does homemade pasta using wholemeal flour break easily as compared to all purpose flour?

Why does wholemeal pasta break more easily than pasta that is made from all-purpose flour?

Common term for "roughly-grind Semolina" (as used to make couscous)

A course common in all North-African coast cuisines is Couscous, which is made of "roughly-grind Semolina" lightly cooked or steamed with a bit of water and sal

How to remove husk from grain?

I need help to remove husk from grain - specifically spent grain from the beer production. Does anyone have any kind of experience with that?

Reconstitute all purpose wheat flour from starch and gluten

Due to the recent events (COVID-19) the groceries stores' shelves are totally wiped of flour of any grains. I have not found flour for roughly a week. Now the s

What is fine semolina? (For baghrir recipe)

Background: I would like to cook baghrir. There are many recipes, all very similar: put fine semolina, warm water, yeast, sugar, salt in a blender and blend it

What can I do with whole wheat pastry dough? [closed]

I used soft whole wheat flour to make pasta dough, following the recommendation here that soft wheat flour is a traditional pasta ingredient.

Why does boiling water make dough taste sweet?

I was experimenting on dough for chapathi, which is basically wheat tortilla. This is how I normally prepare it, Mix whole wheat flour and salt with room tap wa

How to (cheaply) grind wheat berries for home bread making?

I've never made wheat flour before, though I bake bread regularly. I'm considering using my KitchenAid blender to grind my hard white wheat berries, but am worr

Are sprouting wheat berries safe?

I soaked some wheat berries for a bit more than 24 hours and now some white stuff comes out of it. Is it safe if I boil and eat it as I usually do?

Identifying bulgur from cracked wheat

In an excess of zeal to remain tidy (or to get tidy, rather), I discarded the bag and can no longer recall whether it was bulgur (bulgar, bulghur, ..) or cracke