Category "soup"

Shelf-life of pressure-canned soups - is it still good?

I am just trying to get a rough idea of how long a pressure canned soup can last. We made turkey soup with thanksgiving leftovers, which we canned. I have it da

Is it safe to cook chicken soup if the water doesn't quite cover it?

So, being dumb, I got my chicken all thawed out before I remembered that my friend still has my soup pot. I got the chicken crammed into a smaller pot, but I ca

Why do you add sugar last when boiling soups?

When I read recipes involving boiling a soup/dessert and adding sugar, they often say to add the sugar towards the end of the boiling. Why is that? Are there

How do I reduce the lemon acidity in apple soup?

I have just made an apple soup that has lemon juice in. The problem being the lemon tartness totally overpowers the soup. How do I neutralise this???

Why did my roasted pumpkin soup smell foul and seem sour after only 1/2 day?

I made 2 batches of roasted pumpkin soup and both went sour and smelt horrible within 1/2 day. I am unsure why and am baffled as I have made soups heaps of tim

How to add missing garlic flavor to cooked soup

I forgot to add garlic at the beginning of a soup recipe. (I usually add it to hot olive oil and remove when slightly browned before adding any vegetables or me

Stock: Canned, Bouillon Cubes and Powder

What are the Pros and Cons to each one? Most of the time I am making vegetable soup. Thanks

How to prevent salt from releasing from dry cured chicken?

I have dry cured some chicken slices with a lot of salt. I will cook it in a soup however I do not want the salt to be released/come out of the chicken. Is it

Heat pot first or is it okay to heat with food?

There are a few posts regarding when to add oil to a pan, but I was wondering if the same applied to making soups with a pot. When making a fresh pot of soup,

Why did I have to coat my veggies with flour?

I made a corn chowder this evening containing corn, potatoes, onions, garlic, and some other good stuff. This particular recipe instructed me to add a little bi

Can I RE-freeze chicken soup after it has thawed?

Can I RE-freeze chicken soup after it has been thawed and heated?

Kale vs Spinach in Zuppa Toscana lasting

I know that kale is the original recipe, but I've always liked spinach better. I think it has a nice sour kick to it. The problem is that spinach gets soggy muc

How to make a restaurant style meatless Hot and Sour Soup

I made a hot-and-sour soup based on an online recipe, omitting the pork, sugar and dried lilly buds. The major flavoring components were: 1tsp White pepper (I

How to eat/serve take no tsuyu (たけの露)?

A friend brought me some take no tsuyu (たけの露) from Kyoto. It looks like this: I'm having trouble understanding instructions on how

Too much gin in potato-scallion soup

I made this recipe for Scallion Soup but made substitutions for what I had - beef stock instead of chicken, and coconut milk instead of cream. I added gin beca

Adding Noodles to Soup

If it takes 10 min to boil regular noodles if you drain the water after, give or take, how many minutes before the end of soup cooking should you add them in th

Too much pepper in soup: any way to fix?

I added too much ground black pepper to my soup (was actually following a recipe for once, while I usually season to taste) - is there any way to rectify this o

My chicken stock is a gelatinous mess. Is this normal? Can it be saved? [duplicate]

I've been looking for a chicken soup with matzo balls recipe that would duplicate my grandma's (she died without passing on the recipe.) This

Can I blend hot soup in a ninja? [closed]

I want to make broccoli cheddar soup tonight and it says to blend the stuff after you add the broccoli. I have a blender but it sucks and woul

I saved the geletinious material from roasting the turkey. Is this appropriate for use in turkey soup?

I saved the gelatinous material from roasting a turkey. Is it appropriate to use this when making turkey soup?