Category "smoking"

How much time do I need to achieve a smokey flavor in bbq?

What is the minimum amount of time that I need to smoke food (in particular meat) in a smoker to achieve a noticeable smokey taste (assuming I have plenty of sm

Vertical Smoker Cooking Times

I have a gas vertical water smoker that I got from Cabela's earlier this year. I've had some success smoking a few different things: whole chickens, baby-back r

Smoked a chicken and the skin came out like boot leather

I recently decided to smoke and entire chicken so I dropped it in and kept the smoker around 225-250 for about 4 hours. I went in and sprayed it down with a li

Would smoked chicken work well in paella?

I am not a chef, I just like to cook. Tomorrow I am making paella for a bunch of people, and I am leaning towards following this recipe. I was wondering, howe

Chicken on a Brinkmann Smoker N Grill

I've been trying to smoke chicken for many days now, but the problem is that most of the time the chicken tastes like a match. I've done everything, soaked th

How to store smoked fish when traveling?

We went to an island for a trip to explore local fish markets. This place is mainly exporting fish. We managed to get one of the best smoked fish (tuna, mackera

Smoke point and toxicity [closed]

I was taught to make omlettes with a hot pan and cold (room temp) oil. My wife thinks that I'm giving our family cancer. I heat the pan quit

Is it possible to oversoak wood chips for smoking?

I wanted to prepare for a long day of cooking and get the wood chip soak out of the way. My barbequed brisket recipe calls for soaking the (hickory) wood chips

Why do brisket recipes move to the oven to finish?

In the Cooks Illustrated BBQ brisket recipe and many others I've seen, they call for moving the brisket from the grill where they are being smoked to the oven t

What temperature range is suitable for grill smoking?

I've noticed when smoking on the grill that sometimes there is no visible smoke, though there's the clear smell of burning wood. Once the wood has begun to s

How long does it take to smoke a chicken?

I have tried to smoke chicken twice now and both times have taken at least 6 hours. I put the chicken (about 6 lbs) in my smoker with about 40 coals and add som

What do I need to get started with American style Barbecue?

With summer on the way here in the UK, I'd like to start trying some American style BBQ - ribs, pulled pork, brisket etc. as well as perhaps the odd steak and e

Removing the flavour of smoke [duplicate]

I made something wrong and the food becomes a but (but not totally) burnt and tasted like smoke, what can I do with it? Are there any spices t

Can one become ill from consuming food smoked with wood that contains a common fungus?

If someone used common wood (oak, hickory, etc) from the woodpile, which had been sitting in the rain and weather for some moderate time and, consequently, may

How important is humidity when smoking a brisket?

Recipes for smoking brisket typically recommend a temperature of 225 F. My weber smokey mountain has a water pan to help regulate the temperature. But what if I

Smoking a pig at 225 F vs barbecuing one at 250F?

I have seen many posts that say smoking a pork shoulder at 225F to an internal temperature of 195F will take 15 hours. I have also seen many posts that say you

When smoking, is temperature consistency more important than exact temperature?

I am smoking ribs in a charcoal smoker. The smoked rib recipe that I am following instructs smoking the ribs at 225°F. My smoker is maintaining a temperatur

Using my own wood for smoking?

I have some apple and fig wood from trees that were pruned yesterday. The pieces range from sticks the diameter of your finger to about 3" in diameter. How can

How can I reduce the heat output of this heating element?

I'd like to add a Brinkmann 1500 watt element to my Bradley smoker to bring my temps up in cold weather. I'd like to limit the amount of heat it puts out, is

Are feral hog hind quarters hams, or a different type of pork?

I recently hunted feral hog and had one processed. I have two full bone-in hind quarters. I wondering if these are considered hams or a different cut/type of