Category "serving"

How to make, store, and reheat angel hair pasta for 250 in a tiny church kitchen

My wedding is coming, and our main course is angel hair pasta with red sauce or white sauce, and add-ins which are cubed grilled chicken and broccoli florets. W

How do I scoop ice cream into spherical scoops every time?

During the coming summer months, I for once want to have a couple of home-made ice cream sundaes with proper spherical scoops of the type you get at an ice salo

taking a tart out of a glass dish

I'm looking to make a tart like this or like this but I don't have those tart pans that have the removable bottom, I've only got a glass dish. I'm wanting to

Reheating whole Brisket w/out drying out

I made brisket last night (to serve tonight) using a recipe I have made several times. I usually cook the night before serving, using a Large Le Creuset pot. Re

How can one recreate the main workflow techniques used in a restaurant to serve quality food at home?

I'm curious as to how a restaurant can serve a table with different dishes which take widely different times to cook - hot, fresh and simultaneously. I often wa

Dispensing fair shares of inhomogeneous soup

I love noodle soup and doling out bowl after bowl of it, but I have noticed that ingredients are not evenly distributed between bowls. However I have noticed th