Category "sauteing"

Minced meat malaise

I've been cooking a Dutch pie lately, and the results are not very regular. Using the exact same ingredients (I'm trying to get the best minced meat, but that's

Why is sauteing beneficial?

I've seen multiple recipes which say to saute onions, peppers, green beans, etc. Why not microwave the food to the temperature you want and then mix it (along w

How long can I keep sauteed onions in the fridge?

I'm a working mom, so I'm always trying to find ways to cut down on cooking time. My newest trick is to saute a huge batch of onions and keep it in a container

What's the functional different between a skillet and a saute pan?

I see that a skillet or a fry pan has sloped sides...for easy tossing. A saute pan has straight sides. I see that a skillet/fry pan as more of a all-round pan

Why fry onions without oil and then add oil?

In several recipes I have seen lately, the instructions are to sautee onions and garlic without oil for a few minutes, and then add oil and continue until golde

When making risotto, why fry the rice?

When making risotto one of the first steps is to saute the rice in some oil for a few minutes (or until the rice is translucent). What is happening when the r

What limitations are there to sauteeing with water?

I was recently helping with some recipes and was instructed to use water for "sauteing" onions, celery, garlic, etc. in place of oil (scare quotes on "saute" si

How do I make the beef in my beef stroganoff more tender?

Tonight I prepared some beef stroganoff with a recipe from as a rough guide. It came out really well, except that the meat was very tough. I bo

What oils are suitable for Indian cooking (i.e. extended frying duration)?

Indian cooking basically uses oil from the beginning of the process, typically starting with sautéing ginger and garlic, then adding shallots, chillies a

How to properly sauté mushrooms so that they don't release water?

Every time I try to sauté mushrooms, they release so much water I end up with a puddle. This, from what I gather, is not the intended effect - they shoul

Saute potatoes without burning them

I had a soup recipe that asked me to chop up onions, carrots, and potatoes and then saute them together until soft. However, when I tried, the potatoes ended u

What's the crud in the pan with potatoes and oil?

Sometimes I make sautéed potatoes. I dice the potatoes into little cubes about 1cm or less to a side, then cook them in a pan with about 1-2Tbsp of hot o

When should you sweat mirepoix, and when should you sauté it?

The ingredients of mirepoix are consistently described as onion, carrot and celery in a 2:1:1 ratio, but there isn't much consistency advice on how to cook it.

Why does spinach lose its texture when cooked?

I know that cooking spinach until it loses its texture is called wilting, but what is the chemical process that is going on. It it losing moisture? If so why do

What is the difference between saute and caramelizing toppings?

I'm a huge fan of cooking up grilled onions, peppers, mushrooms, and many other toppings. When I worked at a local sub shop I was always the one volunteering t

oil disappearing from pan

I have an aluminium hard anodized non stick pans. When I use oil for sauteing, it many times disappears - For example when i fry shallots or eggplants. Is this

Sauteing onions to the point of transparency - what is ideal?

Observing other people cooking, I hear comments about sauteing onions until they turn transparent (or translucent), or just before they start to turn. Usually

How to saute without oil on stainless steel pots/pans?

In an effort to reduce oils from my diet, I've been trying to saute without oil, but I'm not sure how to do it. In doing so, my pans now have a brown residue th

How do I sautee tomatoes without them being juicy?

I sautee them in olive oil and salt and they turn out great except for the fact that they are too juicy. If I could just get the juice out, they would be perfec

How to stop mushrooms from discoloring everything?

A few times in the past week, I've cut up a few mushrooms (I'm pretty sure they're button) and sauteed or fried them with a few other ingredients for dinner. I