Category "salad"

How to get rid of goitrogens from goitrogenic foods without cooking?

Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, broccolini, cauliflower, mustard greens, kale, turnips, and collard greens contain goitrogens.

Alternatives to massaging fresh kale?

I plan on making a raw kale salad for a large group and was wondering if there is another technique besides massaging it with my hands, which will likely get so

Onion salad goes wet and bitter

I've been going to this indian restaurant that makes this fantastic onion salad, which is essentially small cuts of white and red onion, cucumber, tomato, garni

Best tool for quickly cutting vegetables into a salad?

I like eating a salad for lunch, but would like to somehow optimize the time it takes to cut the vegetables. My salad usually contains tomatoes, cucumbers, bell

Why is the texture of the pasta in a store-bought pasta salad different to the texture of pasta I've cooked at home?

So I've bought a store-made pasta salad and I've tried to recreate it at home. It consists of Penne and a tomato dressing, fairly simple, however no matter ho

differences in caper berry seeds

I use caper berries in salad sometimes, but honestly I mainly like to just eat them straight out of the jar. I've noticed that in a single jar, each berry has 1

Can I eat Chia leaves?

Just out of curiousity I planted some Chia seeds in a pot. Turned out they grow like crazy and seem pretty undemanding. Now I also noticed that they smell qu

re:salad dressing shelf storage [duplicate]

can I process salad dressing for shelf life in a water bath or pressure canner and if I can how long is the process time, I can't find out any

What factors to consider for a long lasting salad?

I'd like to make salad in bulk for the week ahead on a weekend, which I will store at home in the fridge, to take to work. My gut feel is that what I'd typicall

Is it possible to freeze salad dressing

Is it ok to freeze Vinegarette Dressings. Need to take on a flight for a friend. Label says keep refrigerated so would this be ok for a 12hr flt in checked lu

Making my salads a little better [closed]

I eat a lot of salads for lunch. It's not hard for them to taste bland because I don't use creamy dressings and try to use healthy greens. H

How do I tone down onion sharpness already in the chicken salad?

How do I tone down onion sharpness already in the chicken salad? It asked for red onion, which I didn't have so I used the only thing I had, shallot. I used f

Salad packaged with raw meat: is it safe?

Sometimes I see in supermarkets (in Italy) packages in which rocket salad is sold together with raw beef, like in this picture: This is clearly meant to be pre

Keeping pre-cooked asparagus crisp

I would like to pre-blanch some asparagus to dress and serve later as a salad. Will it stay crisp?

How to marinate tofu for my mint & lemon juice couscous salad?

How could I marinate my tofu such that it fits well with my couscous salad which is seasoned with mint and lemon juice, and also contains cucumber, tomato and b

what should I do with overgrown beautiful clusters of Chia seed leaves? [duplicate]

A few weeks ago I soaked Chia Seeds to add to my daily smoothie the following morning.However, this got forgotten to add and left over for the

How to make olives to be used in salad? [closed]

Hey i was trying something different, and want to serve olives as salad but don't know how to make that salty thing to be included in salad.

How to release pungence out of onion for salads without cooking?

I have been making a pretty standard Mediterranean-style potato salad but replacing the standard vinegar with lemon juice, which I like better. However, I notic

Is Garden salad still good if it's past the best by date?

I have an unopened bag of garden salad (lettuce, carrots and red cabbage) That is 9 days past the "Best if used by" date. I haven't opened it yet. It still seem

Does red wine vinegar and red vinegar taste same?

I am going to cook salad for my lunch, I checked a for recipes. I just eat halal food and wine is not halaf, so I am going to use red vinegar (which I don't kno