Category "meringue"

Can I cook Meringue on tin foil rather than Baking paper?

I am making meringue's and don't have access to baking paper, would tin foil work or could I just grease the tin itself?

What does meringue powder do in butter cream icing?

I've recently been taking a Wilton cake decorating class. Part of the curriculum includes making our own buttercream icing. Many of Wilton's recipes for butterc

How do I make meringue using a whipped cream charger?

What is the method and ingredients for making small hard meringues using a whipped cream charger? How do I combine the ingredients in the charger prior to whipp

How much acid to use for stabilizing meringue?

After reading up on the proper books, I started adding some acid when beating meringues. At home, I use cream of tartar, but when I am baking at somebody else's

How long can I store a 'naked' Pavlova?

I've recently explored many Pavlova recipes and some of them say its ok to store the pavlova 3-4 day, while others say that one day of storage is already too mu

My meringue forms syrup beads on top

Every time I make a pie , topped with meringue , little beads of sugary syrup form on the top of the meringue a few hours later. Why?

Adding Adjuncts to Meringues

I'm planning on making some peppermint meringues tonight but am a little concerned about my recipe. I've successfully made meringues in the past with peppermint

Giant meringue French pastry - what are these called?

A few months ago we were visiting Paris, and in Montmartre, there were several pastry shoppes with large meringues. And by large, I mean the size of someone's h

Freezing a meringue?

Can a meringue ever be frozen? I want to make a meringue topped dessert for Easter and don't want to leave my guests while I add the meringue and torch it. Id

How to consistently get golden beads on meringue topping?

Sometimes, golden beads form on my cheesecake with meringue topping. I very much like this effect, but I can't get it to appear consistently. Can anyone give ad

Does vinegar have the same function as tartaric acid in a pavlova?

My recipe for pavlova roll has 4 egg whites, 1 teaspoon vinegar and 1 teaspoon cornflour in it. Would you suggest adding cream of tartar? If I doubled the mixtu

What's this odd stuff coming out of my meringue?

I used this ( recipe, but added some vanilla, probably a bit extra sugar, and baked them at 1

Why does my pavlova always look like this?

It has circles on it every time I try to make it. And sometimes it just won't dry - it's soft; it doesn't really crack like I hope it would! It always sinks and

How do you make meringues?

I've scoured the internet to find the recipe for one of my favorite childhood sweets, and since I'm away from home, I can't buy it by weight and I definitely ca

How to prevent Meringue from turning chewy/gummy-like?

My attempts at Meringue-making are driving me a tiny but crazy... No matter what I do, at first, they are still wet on the inside, and if I leave them standing

Can I flavor powdered sugar with vanilla beans or citrus zest?

I'm asking specifically for macarons (the fussiest cookie in the known universe), so I wouldn't be interested in trying if it would negatively affect the way

Why did my meringue deflate and go soft?

I used 8 egg whites with sugar and beat it. It was so stiff that I could actually maybe cut it with a knife and make a sculpture out of it. I preheated the ove

how long does swiss meringue last?

I've just discovered swiss meringue as a dairy-free option for frosting cakes and am not sure much about it, including how long it lasts, whether to store it in

How long and how can I hold meringue before macaronage?

I have high hopes (I always do) for my next batch of macarons. I've decided to do lemon and lime. I want to do half lemon, half lime. My stand mixer isn't per

What to do with egg whites after stiff peaks collapse & you can't re-beat

So weird situation... beat eggs to stiff peaks with intention of making meringues. Forgot about them somehow (dinner party), but now, my friend's mixer that we