Category "garlic"

How to create thick, hearty garlic marinara sauce?

I've been searching online for a recipe for a robust garlic marinara sauce to no avail. Does anyone have any tips on how to make this kind of thick, hearty sauc

roasted garlic vs. raw

Without giving it much thought, I've always roasted garlic for use in cooked preparations (hummus, spaghetti sauce, garlic bread, etc.), and used it raw for unc

What Garlic to use for Garlic Bagels

I have had great success making seeded bagels; I boil the bagels in water with baking soda and a little sugar, and any kind of seed sticks to the outside and ba

Garlic + Oil, Why is this recipe safe?

I've read other questions here and elsewhere that talk about the danger of garlic in oil. I'm trying to figure out why this recipe is safe: http://www.foodnetw

Enhancing garlic and tomatoes on toast [closed]

I often make the following vegan breakfast toast. I start by finely chopped onions and garlic and heat the combination on a non-stick pan till

Why to add garlic for pickles?

My mom uses to add 2 or 3 garlic cloves for each pickle jar when pickling something. She says that by this way she will prevent them from being overpickled, an

Need to remove germ from garlic or onion?

My mate always tells me to remove the germ (the center) from garlic and onions, especially if it's turning green. What are the pros and cons of the germs of the

Roasting large quantities of garlic: whole unpeeled heads or peeled cloves?

I'm going to be making a soup dish that calls for 50 cloves of roasted garlic. I have always roasted garlic by cutting off the top of a head, drizzling it with

Should I peel garlic before pressing it?

I've never been sure about this. It doesn't impact the taste or texture, as far as I can tell. I'm talking about those little crushing tools that you put a clo

How can I get rid of garlic breath? [closed]

I personally do not enjoy eating garlic, but some people in my family do. I really dislike the smell, and I care for them. I do not want to be

How can I prevent spices from lumping together?

I notice that sometimes, some of my spices become one hard block. I have this especially with my garlic powder, in a smaller degree with my chili powder (that c

How to know whether the whole unpeeled garlic is still edible or not?

My whole unpeeled garlic has turned "very soft". Its internal texture has changed too. What are the indicators of non-edible whole garlic?

Why was our garlic butter made in France, much nicer than garlic butter in England?

We're stumped so we thought we'd come and ask the experts. Last weekend we were in Paris, and bought what we think was normal unsalted butter (from a marche fr

How to thicken garlic dressing

Nineteen times out of twenty when I make a salad dressing from olive oil, salt, dill, garlic and apple cider vinegar, blended in a pint measuring cup with an el

Recipe calls for garlic powder and all I have is garlic salt

If so what is the proper amount to put in? It calls for 2 tablespoons of garlic powder but I got garlic salt. Anyone?

What's an appropriate shelf-life for refrigerated pre-peeled garlic?

Buying pre-peeled/crushed/sliced garlic is great because it saves so much time during prep -- hand-peeling and crushing garlic in the midst of of everything els

Confused about the addition of garlic

I keep reading online that garlic should be added at the end of dishes because they'll otherwise turn brown and bitter. What confuses me is that a lot of rec

How long is garlic butter safe, and why is it not a botulism risk like garlic in oil?

I've been making garlic butter for years, storing it for months at a time. When I read that garlic-in-oil can grow dangerous amounts of botulinum toxins after s

When should I press garlic and when should I chop it?

I just found out they make fancy devices for pressing garlic. However, I'm unsure of when I should use this. When do chefs press garlic and when do they chop it

What causes changing blue and purple pigments in food?

I've noticed that many foods, such as cabbage, garlic, and ginger, either turn blue or purple in certain conditions, or that, like purple string beans, they los