Category "garlic"

Painted Pony beans pate

I'm going to make a pate using Painted Pony beans as a base. I want to add roasted walnuts, but I don't know whether basil and garlic would be acceptable to put

Can I mince garlic in advance?

I really hate mincing garlic in tiny batches for each dish. Is there any way to mince many bulbs in advance and store them for a week or more?

Why was there not enough foam in my garlic foam with soy lecithin?

This was my first attempt at making a foam using soy lecithin. I used 3 garlic cloves, 2/3 cup water, 2/3 cup milk. Then i used an immersion blender. I got a bi

Can I ferment black garlic intermittently?

Following this black garlic tutorial and in reference to this SA question, I would like to try making myself black garlic, and to try fermenting the garlic to d

Safety of Blue / Green Garlic

My mother pickled a bunch of garlic recently and it turned blue soon after. She has had this happen once or twice before where some turned green, but this time

Homemade fresh garlic dressing fridge life

In my dressing I use fresh pressed garlic cloves, apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil , salt & pepper in a quart jar. How long can I store this saf

Improving tomato sauce in beef liver recipe [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:What kind of sauce can I make for beef liver? I boil the liver in order to be healthier but a own variant is to he

How can I preserve large quantities of garlic?

I have a lot of garlic that is still fresh. How can I preserve it easily so that it can be used for a variety of uses later?

Can garlic or onion stored in the fridge help to sanitize?

Can garlic or onion stored in the fridge help to sanitize? How to protect fridge from dangerous elements which can spoil stored food?

Why is freshly-chopped garlic sticky?

When chopping garlic the blade of my knife, and any fingers used to handle the garlic, become sticky. What causes this reaction? Is there any way to counterac

Why should you remove the core of garlic?

I have read it is better to remove the core of a clove of garlic. I actually see no reason for doing this. Does it have a different flavor, or is there some oth

Any tips on crushing garlic for alioli?

I tried making alioli at home, but in the first step (turning the garlic into a fine paste), I didn't make much progress. I chopped the garlic fairly finely fir

What is the shelf life of a garlic bulb, with the "skin" still on, left in the fridge?

I purchased a head of garlic and I have 2/3's of it left over, I am storing it in the fridge in a ceramic covered dish (made specifically for garlic :) a gift f

Are Garlic cloves supposed to be put as whole or as chopped up pieces in a soup?

Once I was making soup with a friend and the recipe called for a few cloves of garlic. She was ready to throw the garlic cloves into the soup whole without cho

What turned my garlic purple?

I commonly use a technique when caramelizing onions, in which I add the sliced onions to a pan with salt, oil, and water. The water softens the onions and helps

Are spores an issue in sauteed pepper storage when you add garlic?

Typical food-storage for leftover sauteed or roasted peppers in oil, non-canned, seem to vary from one to two weeks when referencing online sources. However, if

Is there a way to safely can pesto sauce?

I grow basil and I have enough that I would like to can some pesto sauce. I have tried to find a way to can it but I keep hitting a wall. I would like to g

How do restaurants chop up garlic?

If I buy dishes, such as garlic chicken, from take-away restaurants, the garlic appears to be in small white particles in the meal. How do restaurants chop up

In what situation could we use black garlic?

I read that there are something called black garlic out there. What is the common usage of black garlic? What is the difference of its from common garlic?

Combating adverse effects of garlic and onions

I'm a huge fan of garlic and onions and seldom do I cook for myself without adding one of the two. Recently, I've managed to come across a local garlic grower