Category "french-cuisine"

Why did my Creme Brulee end up with lots of oil?

I used a youtube recipe for passion fruit creme brulee. I followed the ingredients and the steps and my creme brulee ended with lots of oil on top of it. Why

Substitute for Cornichons

I know that cornichons are a type of pickled gherkin. None of the grocery stores in my area carry them. Would the best substitute be miniature dill pickles, m

Beurre Blanc and Beurre Monte difference

I know that beurre blanc is made with shallots, an acid and butter, while beurre monte is made by just whisking butter in a bit if boiling water. However, I ca

Is a rillette typically cooked in fat?

I want to know if you have cooked your pork to the point where you can 'pull' it can you further cook the rillette in fat / lard in a similar way to what a conf

Could you cook Chicken Galantine in stock?

All the recipes I have seen for a Galantine just cooks the prepared chicken in an oven pan. What would you generally expect from the Galantine if it was cooked

Water content in beignet dough

When I add the indicated amount of water to my beignet recipe, I end up with humid flour: not enough moisture to form a dough of any kind. It seems apparent to

Where can I get Melfor vinegar in Spain? Or can someone suggest a good substitute?

It's a low-acid vinegar from the Alsace region of France, made with spirit (alcohol) vinegar and honey, and infused with herbs. There is a version of it availab

Do you need a stock for carbonade flamande

So there is this amazing Belgian/French dish called carbonade flamande and as I browse recipes I see one major difference in them: some recipes use (beef) stock

Langouste and Langoustine, what's the difference?

In France, you often see both "langouste" and "langoustine" used to describe edible orange crustaceans. What is the difference between the two? Both look the s

Why my croissant dough are always having butter going out during folding

Every time I make croissant. While I am folding the dough with a simple or double turn, I start to see the butter going outside of the dough and stick to the wo

What is the difference between normal salt and salt of guérande?

What is the difference between the salt of guérande sel de guérande and normal salt ? I have a truffle flavored sel de guérande, which hav

Julia Child beef bourguignon question

In Mastering the Art of French Cooking, for the beef bourguignon recipe, there is an instruction towards the end I'm not sure if I'm understanding. After the

Is onion good with leek?

I have onions and leek and I want to sautee the two together. Can I use both?

Are all slugs edible?

I've heard about people eating escargot, but are slugs just as edible? I live in MN USA, and came across some all tan ones, but had no camera at the time.

A book about croissants/viennoiserie

I am looking for a book which concentrates on croissants. I already have some recipes and other books which either present them or delve a little bit into them.

Olives in French Beef Stew

What is the use of the olives in this recipe: In the stew, the me

Best way to cheat at hollandaise?

While I've been making it for years, hollandaise remains a fussy, error-prone sauce where the slightest error in technique, measurement, or timing results in an

Why some dough recipes needs more kneading and others not? [closed]

I have 2 croissant recipes from 5 stars chef. The first recipe is for Pierre Herme: 1 Tbsp (12 g) active dry yeast 7 Tbsp (100 g) whole mil

What way to incorporate sugar into dough for millefeuille is better?

Choosing from two alternatives: separating layers of dough with layers of icing sugar and making dough with a solution of sugar. If the latter option is prefera

Îles flottantes vs. oeufs à la neige

Long ago, I ate at someone's house and was served pieces of meringue on chilled crème anglaise.* The hostess called it îles flottantes, but I have