Category "cookies"

Lace cookies TOO thin?

I tried to make (I used bee honey not date honey) and they tast

Is neccessary to store christmas cookies in the fridge?

If I want to have a Christmas cookies e.g. in a different room than the fridge is, how long I can leave them at room temperature without worry that it will be s

What function that is suitable for baking cookies

My cookies had been bake for almost 13 minutes ...but my cookies didn't flat and it had blacken on top ... so what function that is suitable for baking cookies

Dicing Hot Tamales (candy)

I wanted to cut up some Hot Tamales candies for cookies, but had a horrible time cutting them. I couldn't get the candies small enough and they stuck together.

What differences will happen if you use a rectangular baker to bake cookies instead of a tray?

Hey so I have these rectangular bakers that I use to make lasagna. Unfortunately I don't bake cookies that often so I don't have a standard cookie tray. I decid

Can I use amaretti cookies in a cheesecake crust?

I'm making a cannoli cheesecake from this recipe ( I will be adding 1-2 t

How should I cut cookie dough when in tube?

I have rolled my cookie dough (eggless recipe) into a tube and put into the fridge overnight (in clingfilm). When I come to cut it the next day, it crumbles hal

Freeze cookies before or after baking them?

I need to make many batches of cookies for a party next Saturday, and I would like to start baking them now. To make sure they're still tasting fresh six days l

Shortbread with a snap

I would like my shortbread to have more of a "crunch" snap to it; to also allow it to travel and not get damaged. Is it too obvious to say cook for longer, or

Making molasses cookies less soft

I have tried molasses cookies with the following recipe: 3/4 cup molasses 1/4 cup white sugar 3/4 cup yoghurt 2 tbsp oil 2.5 cups flour 1/2 tsp baking soda cin

How could I use liquid flavorings to make a version of a jelly-topped cookie?

I recently tried to make jelly-topped cookies (specific recipe was from home, but here's an example recipe) using an assortment of flavors, including maple syru

I forgot to add brown sugar to my chocolate chip cookies......and didn't realize I forgot the brown sugar until it was done cooking

I remembered everything else, it taste fine but a little bland. Even though i already cooked it, is there anything I can do to make it taste better?

Do I have to change the baking time when I convert fahrenheit to Celsius?

So in this recipe i should bake my cookies to 350 degrees F for 8 to 10 minutes.350 degrees fahrenheit is about 176 Celsius degrees and i dont know if I should

Is there some sort of gun (or a way) to decorate cookies with chocolate chips or nuts?

I've started producing 1000 cookies a day, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to decorate cookies faster with chocolate chips or nuts than doing it by

Can I use Cream of Tartar in a Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe to make them crisp?

I want to know if I can use a cream of tartar in a chocolate chip cookie recipe. I want a crisp cookie. Can I use it with both baking powder & soda? In a

mixed egg and bicarbonate of soda

I was half way through making a batch of peanut butter cookies when my mixer blew up - not a happy camper. As I had already mixed my eggs and bicarbonate of so

Art of making delicate French butter cookies (Madeleines)

I love making Madeleine cookies, but I can't seem to make them without burning them. Well, they're not really burnt as far as cookies go, but they are too golde

Would adding more egg help crumbling cookies?

As this is a controversial subject I cannot just ask it to the majority of the women I know that bake. I make cookies for my father who has cancer and was losin

My soft cookies are falling apart! [closed]

At my job we bake 3oz chocolate chip, peanut butter and oatmeal raisin cookies from scratch. I've been baking them to be soft on the inside an

Can you use both melted and creamed butter for cookies?

I've been reading up on cookie science, and read that melted butter makes a denser cookie, and creamed room temp butter makes a cakey cookie. I'm looking to mak