Category "containers"

What food can contain a hot drink?

Tempered chocolate, thickened caramel, even ice can all be used to produce a container (aka cup, mug, glass) for a liquid which, after drinking, can then also b

Is there any cooking oil mister designed such that the oil is never in contact with plastic parts?

Is there any cooking oil mister designed such that the oil is never in contact with plastic parts? I just don't like the possibility of having any plastic chemi

What vessel should I choose for Lactofermentation?

Do I have to use a mason jar to ferment veggies? Or would any jar do? In case of the latter, does it have to be air sealed?

Microwave cooking time with porcelain/stoneware container rather than plastic

Would the cooking time change if I microwave some food in a porcelain or stoneware container rather than plastic? More details (if you have time to waste) I g

USA analogue of EU Gastronorm standard

What is the standard for kitchenware tray and container sizes in the USA, that is the analogue of the Gastronorm standard in EU? For instance the standard sizes

Which machine/ product would be best for melting then maintaining sugar mixture at constant temperature?

I use a sugar and glucose syrup mixture and use it to form candies in demonstrations in front of people. When I use it it is between 80 and 90°C. This mixtu

Is it safe to only rinse visible residue from container if I then refrigerate the container?

I like to eat off silicone containers. I've noticed that if I rinse them right away after eating, there will be basically no visible residue left on the surface

What container for olive oil for longest shelf life?

I have bought a 5l container of olive oil which is impractical for daily use. I intend to decant it into something smaller but I'm not sure what to buy. I know

How to open this plastic cap?

How do I open this cap? It is from a bottle of Bombay gin. (click to enlarge)

What does this "France only" symbol mean on a coffee package?

This is a common pack of Lavazza ground coffee: but at the bottom there is this symbol: What does it mean? And what is specific about France here?