Category "bacon"

Are there different grades or styles of bacon?

In commercials and when I go to restaurants (even fast food!) the bacon that I get is a reddish brown color and seems to be mostly meat, or at least meat textur

Making Bacon Spirals

I would like to make a garnish of bacon spirals. Spirals like cinnamon rolls, not like curly fries, nor like Gemelli pasta. My plan is to bake loosely rolled

Cold smoked bacon biltong safety

Just looking for a safety/sanity check here regarding making biltong from cold smoked bacon. I would like to make bacon biltong using a recipe similar to this

Is it possible to cook bacon without melting as much fat?

I love Bacon, but I prefer fattier pieces of meat. However, I cannot seem to find a way to cook the bacon without melting most of the fat off. What I've tried

What's the difference between "English" & "American" bacon?

Prompted by Is it possible to cook bacon without melting as much fat? where I answered in an "English" way… I've had crispy bacon - you can get it on pr

Why is it not recommended to microwave UK or Canadian bacon?

Following this thread (Is it possible to cook bacon without melting as much fat?), @Italian Philosopher mentions that this is not a good idea for UK or Canadian

Pancetta leaking into cheesecloth

I cured my Mangalitsa pancetta for 7 days and it was stiff. Then I rolled it and it got very soft. I double covered it with cheesecloth and now it is leaking in

What does "cooking bacon" mean?

Does that mean the bacon is already cooked? (you can eat directly from the package) Or do I still need to cook the bacon? I bought a bacon that has no instructi

Prime Rib w/ bacon wrap

My butcher prepared our Christmas prime rib with a bacon wrap. He suggested 325° roast until internal temperature, but I’m skeptical of that method. I

Can you make moose bacon?

I like moose and I like bacon. Is it possible to make moose bacon? How is the moose belly?

Remove residue from bacon grease

I use bacon grease for cooking during the week. I have an issue though. I always get residue from the meat when I poor it out of the pan. How can I filter this

What is the uncured pork belly called?

wiki says Bacon is a type of salt-cured pork ... typically from the pork belly. What is the uncured pork belly called?

Was my bacon cooked?

I made hunters chicken tonight, cooked a chicken breast for 20 mins then took out , covered with bbq sauce and cheese and lay 2 rashers of bacon over the top th

Is it a good idea to clean bacon with water before putting it into the pan to remove some salt?

I don't like too salty food but I like some fat, so my goal is to reduce the salt content of my bacon by one third, but keep the other tastes as original as pos

Why did my bacon smell and taste like beef? [closed]

I made a bacon sandwich earlier and while cooking the bacon I noticed a pungent scent identical to the scent of beef crisps, I then ate my san

Is there a way to make bacon a decent substitute for pancetta in Italian dishes?

I live in a place where Pancetta is really hard to find, and when I do, it's completely overpriced. When I make some Carbonara or Gricia, both recipes from wher

What is this yellow "fat" thing on my bacon

Searching in google for yellow bacon fat returns nothing I'm assuming it's fat, but have never seen a large yellow lump of it on any bacon I have had in the

What are some effective tips for cooking bacon in the microwave?

I typically cook my bacon in the oven or stove top. A relative of mine saw me do this and recommended using the microwave instead. I have two questions on this:

How can I render bacon fat without frying it?

I wanted to render the fat from some bacon to produce bacon grease. The usual advice that you see on the internet is to simply fry whole strips of bacon at a lo

Is there a way to get bacon crispy if you wrap it around potatoes and stick it in the oven?

I wanted to try and make the “Gotcha Pork” dish from anime series Food Wars. It requires you wrap bacon around mashed potatoes and put it in the ove