Category "yogurt"

Coconut yoghurt too thick

I've been trying to make a creamy coconut yoghurt in an incubator. Ingredients: Water Coconut milk powder Small amount of store-bought coconut yoghurt The firs

Has my coconut yoghurt spoiled?

I've made some coconut yoghurt from powdered coconut milk, tapioca flour, maple syrup and a spoonful of store-bought yoghurt. The mixture (apart from the old yo

Does the PH in your mouth affect taste?

I’ve eaten plain whole-milk yogurt every day for over 10 yrs. One 32 oz tub of the brand name I buy can taste sweet & mild one day; sour & acidic

Why does blending blueberries, milk, banana and vanilla extract cause the mixture to have a yogurty consistency?

A cup of milk A cup of blueberries A banana Three shakes of vanilla extract liquid The original plan was to have a milkshake, but the result is quite a nice des

Can I make cheese from old homemade yogurt?

I made homemade yogurt 3-4 weeks ago that still looks and smells good. Can I reheat homemade yogurt to make cheese?

Yoghurt after use by date [duplicate]

I'm awfully paranoid about getting food poisoning after having it once before. I bought a pot of live yoghurt with mango and after eating a co

Can you boil milk and let it fully cool then bring it up to 100 degrees F for yogurt?

I brought my milk to a boil but I don't have time to let it cool. I don't want to put in the enzymes now because they will die off. Can I let it cool in the fri

Do you need more yogurt starter for more milk?

I bought some Yogourmet yogurt starter packages and it says to use 5g per 1L of milk. However, if I am making a gallon at a time - is more starter actually requ

Why is it recommended to mix yogurt starter with a small amount of milk before adding to the entire batch?

When making yogurt with Yogourmet yogurt starters it is recommended to boil the milk, bring it down to 110 degrees F, then take out a cup of milk and mix the st

Do I have to heat up Yogurt?

Considering the heat wave, I've been thinking - most instructions for Yogurt making say to take starter culture, put it in milk, put the milk in a warm pot (or

Help! What have I made? Is it safe to eat?

Ok so here’s the problem, I have an instant pot that has a yogurt setting. The first time I made it I just added some heavy cream and half and half mil

When making yogurt, why doesn't bad bacteria grow as well?

I've been making Yogurt and Coconut Yogurt for a long time. I've always wondered why one can't leave milk out for more than an hour or so without it going off,

Yoghurt making : effects of temperature and duration [duplicate]

As I am fairly new to making yoghurt at home I would like to understand the effects that temperatures and time have on the end product in both

Why is my Frozen Yogurt Grainy?

I used Cal Peternell's recipe: 1 cup of whole milk 1/2 cup of half and half 1/2 cup of sugar pinch of salt 3 cups of whole milk yogurt zest and juice of a half

Interpreting recipes from a different culture (specifically India) [closed]

I've tried to make dahi (indian "curd", or yogurt) a few times, but it has always turned out more like cottage cheese (English "curds and whey

Homemade yogurt hygiene; can the results be dangerous?

I'm late to the Instant Pot homemade yogurt game, but have been having fun eating the results. I'm relatively careful about cleaning the pot and implements, but

How can I make a yogurt starter culture from scratch?

Let's say for whatever reason that I cannot or don't want to get store-bought yogurt. How can I create a probiotic culture to make some from fresh milk? I saw

Slimy whey in store-bought yoghurt

The yoghurt I bought from the store in a 1 l glass jar has in the 4 or 5 days since opening separated a little from the whey. The whey is has gone slimy puttin

What milk and yoghurt is the best for mango lassi?

What amount (percentage) of fat does the typical plain yoghurt and a typical milk has? Or what is the best milk and yoghurt to prepare a mango lassi? I'd like

How do you know when a cultured item is no longer safe to consume?

How do you know when yougurt (for example) is no longer safe to consume? Do I know it from the taste, how it smells, or something else?