Category "storage"

Does vinegar need to be refrigerated after being opened?

So while wandering around our local Asian supermarket here in San Diego, my wife and I found some Wan Jia Shan red vinegar. My wife loves the taste of vinegar,

Do tomatoes or tomato pastes damage stainless steel cookware?

I enjoy making a good ragu, and I often want to let it sit in the stainless steel cookware so I can have leftovers the next day (not a commercial setting). But

re-freezing green tea?

I just bought green tea leaves in China. They were in a deep freezer when I bought them. They were then in my luggage for a few days on my way back home. I bo

How far in advance can I prepare vegetables without it detracting from their flavour/ texture etc?

I've seen there is a related thread about restaurant practices and how long to retain food, but I don't think food safety comes into this as I'm only talking ab

Are purple spots in freezer safe?

There are purple spots inside the freezer that look like mold, but I'm not sure. Is it safe to store food in there?

life without refrigerator

I'm a student living in a dorm without a refrigerator. I decided to change my diet and be a pescetarian starting this year. But most of the food sold nearby doe

How to increase the shelf life of Bechamel sauce?

how to increase the shelf life of bechamel sauce and what is the actual shelf life of white sauce?

Can I / should I keep spices & dried herbs in the fridge?

Common wisdom regarding spice storage (whether whole or ground) seems to tend towards cool, dark, dry places. However, I'm somewhat limited on kitchen cupboard

Looking for Rubbermaid "Servin' Saver™" container

I'm looking for a specific Rubbermaid "Servin' Saver™" container. My co workers and I are having trouble finding it. Can anyone point me in the right dir

What is the typical shelf life of grains and seeds?

I would like to make a large amount of multi-grain porridge mixture in one batch, to store and use small amounts of when I need it. The recipe says that the fat

Glass bottle thickness ratings

I notice that the popular Bormioli Rocco stoppered glass bottles have numbers on the bottom. Some higher quality ones I have are numbered "18" and some more rec

Does a bread box requires holes for ventilation?

I am trying to figure out whether a breadbox should have ventilation holes or not. There are many for sale with and without. When I look at most breadbox pictur

Mousse de Canard, Mousse de Foie, Terrine de Campagne, expired by around 10 days

I have here, Terrine de Campagne and Mousse de Canard with Expiry of Mar 16, this year. Mousse de Foie expired Mar 22. So all are expired and their packages h

Why did a jar of vinegar destroy this metal lid and turn it black (see pic)?

About a month ago, I filled a thoroughly-cleaned-out glass salsa jar with vinegar and hand-tightened the lid. Specifically, I filled the jar with generic white

How to keep profiteroles fresh

I am having family over for dinner soon, and would like to make profiteroles for dessert. I will, however, be busy during the daytime and will only have an hour

How did people transport food before aluminium foil was invented?

I know this question does not concern cooking, however I wondered how people transported their food before aluminium foil was invented (circa

How long can you soak morel mushrooms before they go bad?

We got some morels from a friend and soaked them in salt water in the fridge. That was Friday. It is now the following Thursday, and we just took them out of th

Best way to cook rice to serve cold later?

I thought it wasn't possible to find a prepared rice that is worth being eaten cold, but I tried a prepared meal from a catering which came with tender and mois

Which kinds of closures for spice and herb containers exist and what are their advantages and disadvantages?

I have an extensive collection of spices and dried herbs, which I store currently in apothecary bottles with a cork stopper. Most websites that deal with closu

How to store crumble cake

I've just made a rather delicious raspberry "crumble cake". It consists of a thin layer of cake with whole raspberries, topped with crumble and baked. I get the