Category "stews"

What types of cuts of meats are ideal for (beef) stew? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:What is the best cut of beef to use for stews? I had a conversation with a cruise passenger on my most recent vaca

What is the difference between Clam Chowder and New England style?

What makes clam chowder a New England style vs. some other style?

Can I "re-caramelize" meat after a failed braising attempt?

I am cooking a meat stew with a delicious, fatty bunch of oxtails. Initially when browning the meat, I didn't get a sufficient amount of caramelized glaze aroun

Marinating Chicken before stewing it. Will there be a significant difference in the flavour?

I plan to cook some curry chicken and some Jamaican style brown stewed chicken. The chicken is cut up into small pieces. Normally I would season the chicken hav

What is the magic time and temperature for stewing meat and vegetables?

I made an oxtail stew in the crockpot/slow-cooker today, and 6 hours later I added the vegetables (carrots, onions, celery) which was also one hour before dinne

How do I convert a recipe from a stew to use a slow-cooker

How do I convert a recipe given as a slow-boiled stew to a slow-cooker recipe? I assume that liquid amounts and probably onions and other flavorings need to ch

thicken stew with excess floating fat

I skim fat from my stews and then thicken it with a roux or cornstarch. Is there a way to directly thicken with the floating fat?

Is it better to add roasted vegetables into beef stew?

Hoping to create a heartiest stew, I was thinking of roasting my carrots, okra, and sweet potatoes. Will it create any substantial change in flavor?

Should I brown meat for stew?

I always look through the comments on recipes I find online that I want to try. The comments are usually helpful and give great tips on how to make the dish eve

Can I fix this bad beef stew?

My housemate's mother is visiting and she's been doing a bit of cooking. Today she made beef stew. She cubed up about 4lbs of tri-tip and dumped it all in my s

Soak meat in water to get rid of smell? [duplicate]

Some of my Asian friends soak their beef stew meat in water or even boil it to "get rid of the blood and the bad smell", as they say. It is m

Browning Beef in Beef Stew?

So im going to be making beef stew again, and most recipes call for it to be browned. (This is going in a cast iron OLD dutch oven, so maximum season!) That be

Does beef/pork stew require a dutch oven?

I am learning how to make beef/pork stew. Every recipe I see says to use a Dutch oven, that will be placed inside the oven. Couldnt stew be made just as well

At what point is a beef stew being overcooked?

I made beef stew last night in my slow cooker. At seven hours I felt like it wasn't ready so I set an alarm to wake me up at ten hours and moved it into the fri

At what point is a beef stew being overcooked?

I made beef stew last night in my slow cooker. At seven hours I felt like it wasn't ready so I set an alarm to wake me up at ten hours and moved it into the fri

Quick and Easy Beef Stew and Dumplings

I want to combine two off the shelf products with existing recipes into a single off the shelf heat and eat ready to go meal. Dinty Moore Beef Stew & Dumpl

Coating meat in flour before browning, bad idea?

For a long time, before browning meat that would then braise, I've coated it in flour as to ensure the right consistency for the resulting sauce. Are the downsi

How to adjust stewing time for different weights of meat?

Simple scenario: I've got a Madras recipe that tells me to stew 2.0 kg of Lamb shoulder meat in the oven, covered with foil for 2,5 hours at 180 deg Celsius, th

When to add vegetables to stew?

I am participating in a stew cook-off competition with twelve restaurants involved. Rather than adding the raw, cut and prepared, root-style vegetables (red pot

Cooking time adjustment for large quantities of stew

First off a little backgound: I am a member of a cooking club in my local village center. We have a reasonably well fitted kitchen, but the logistics of cooking