Category "spices"

How to contain the smell of truffle spice?

From our trip to Venice, Italy we brought home some truffle spice. It says "truffle powder" on the small container and mainly consists of salt, flour, truffle a

Other 'hot' spices

The restaurant assured me that there was no chilli in the food but it was still too hot for me. What other spices, etc. can cause the heat effect in the mouth?

Fresh spices vs Dried spices

I am new to this community and I have a question in mind. Spices like garlic , cinnamon etc after drying lose the volatile oil content in them. [HERE, HERE] T

berberis vulgaris vs berberis aristata

I was reading about zershek (dried berberis vulgaris fruit) in Iran and being Indian , I searched if this is grown in India. I found that berberis aristata is g

Why do creamed sauces often contain nutmeg?

Many recipes for creamed spinach to cream of broccoli soup contain nutmeg. Why does this spice compliment such sauces so well?

Cinnamon or cinnamon and sugar

Does cinnamon go bad? I have a small jar of cinnamon and sugar and some of the people in my family are absolutely religious about the best by date.

How to mask the taste of cumin

I strongly dislike cumin. Now that I accidentally bought bread that contains it, I wondered if there are any ways to mask the taste. This question is meant to

How to balance the spiciness in any kind of dishes

My question is about the spiciness of any kind of dish. I am having trouble balancing the spiciness in food. Sometime salt becomes sharp, and sometimes peppers

What is the difference between kosher dill pickles and Polish dill pickles?

What is the difference in taste between kosher dill pickles and polish dill pickles? Do they have any visual distinctions that would make it possible to differe

Why are bay leaves used whole and then removed rather than crushed up like other spices?

Recently when making a 5-bean-stew "kit" my son finely crushed up the bay leaves and added them to the other spices, rather than adding them whole to be removed

What is the difference between an herb and a spice?

What is the difference between an herb and a spice? I would think an herb is from a plant, but then I have no idea what specifically a spice is. Not being muc

First time and small batch biryani

I've dreamt of making biryani for some time, but have always felt intimidated by the layers and spices I'd need to buy. Any ideas for a small pot version of bi

Suggested chili peppers for steeping in alcohol (bourbon, specifically)

I'm looking to make homemade "naughty" and "nice" shots for an upcoming holiday party, using the recipes provided by the Miracle holiday pop-up bars. The "naugh

Cayenne pepper and red pepper flakes? Chili powder?

Sorry for the double questions. I'm looking at two recipes of chicken tikka masala and one has both cayenne pepper (1/4tsp) and red pepper flakes (1/2tsp) I can

Substitution for marjoram in beef birria [duplicate]

What can you use in place of marjoram when cooking beef birria?

How to counteract sage (in a pumpkin soup)? [duplicate]

I prepared a pumpkin soup with the secondary ingredients being onions, ginger, garlic, cream, chilli, nutmeg, pumpkin seed oil, and sage. I ac

How can one make a reasonable curry with limited spices and poor quality equipment? [closed]

When travelling one has to make do with whatever cooking equipment is available. Typical deficiencies I've encountered are: thin saucepans and

Why is chorizo spice-mix rarely sold in stores?

I'm not much of a cook, but I do enjoy anything made with chorizo. I've looked far and wide for pre-made chorizo spice-mix in grocery stores, international foo

If you add spices to boiling pasta, will it absorb spices/flavours?

If you are cooking pasta via simmering, and you add some spices e.g. pepper to the pot, will the pasta absorb the spices/flavors or will the spices just go to t

What are the minimum ingredients for a pasta sauce?

I want my pasta to absorb a sauce which consists of herbs and spices only. What are the minimum ingredients that are needed for this? for example do you reall