Category "spices"

How is one meant to treat fenugreek seeds?

The last time I used fenugreek seeds, they and mustard seeds were the first into the pan, followed by onions, then other vegetables. I expected them to soften

Substituting cayenne for red pepper flakes

My wife does not like alternating textures, or "surprises" in sauces. Thus I need to make certain concessions when cooking for her. She does not like crushed

What herbs and spices are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken?

Has anyone here with an apt awareness of flavors been able to work out some of or all of the herbs and spices that are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken? I fee

Do I always have to peel garlic?

Is it safe to prepare ginger garlic paste without peeling garlic skin ?? I always peel garlic which is a labourious and time taking process. I would like to kno

Oil temperature for flavor extraction?

A little context: I make craft chili oils for friends and family. I use a two-step infusion process. First, I infuse the oil for flavor with spices. Second, I a

Should I actually add nutmeg to eggnog?

Where did adding nutmeg to eggnog come from? I've tried nutmeg before and can't really taste anything other than nog. So where did the idea of adding nutmeg c

How do you finely grind coriander seeds?

Whenever I grind coriander seeds the outside seems to separate like a husk and doesn't grind well. I use a pestel and mortar. Is there a trick to getting fin

Why does tilapia and swai fish taste like catfish?

I have been cooking fish for over 40 years. Catfish is a fish I can not stand. My family buys and loves tilapia and swai and no matter how I cook, grill, bake,

Using Vinegar to Cut down on Spice

I've read recommendations on cutting down the spice of a sauce using butter, oil, fat, yogurt, and cream; however, I've tried all those and they don't seem to d

What do these additions to common spice mixes do with your dish?

Where I live, supermarkets sell all sorts of "spice mixes" for specific dishes, like "taco mix" or "spaghetti mix". I used to buy these, but then at some point

How do I add spice after cooking gravy?

I have made chicken gravy. It tastes good but I think adding a little more spice to my gravy will be fine. Can anyone say how to add more spice to it after cook

The three Cs - spices with chicken

I watched a TV programme that was talking about a particular combination of three spices which are often used together, especially with chicken. The TV present

When spicing rice, should you add the spices in the water beforehand or after the rice has cooked?

Newbie cook here. I use a small inexpensive rice cooker to cook my rice. Are you supposed to add your various spices to the water when you put the rice in the

Which spices should be bought whole vs. ground?

I have a coffee grinder which has been excellent for grinding spices, and I'm currently transitioning my pantry from having many packaged ground spices to more

Does toasting and grinding whole spice really improve curry flavor?

It seems to be common knowledge that "toasting is better" when it comes to spices. But the other day I noticed my toasted-and-freshly-ground coriander smelled p

Is there a way to experience pepper's endorphins effects without the burning sensation?

When preparing dinner, my friend and I sometimes argue over the amount of pepper. It is often ‘too hot’ for him while I enjoy the heat effects (endo

Forgot to add spices to curry

I made a jalfrezi today for tomorrow and I forgot to add spices, (cumin, tumeric, paprika). Is there a way I can add them now getting the most from them?

Is there a reason for storing ground spices separately (unmixed)?

I always use the same spice mix for dal. Instead of taking 1-2 tsp of each, I would rather keep a special container for the dal of the ready made mix in the pro

Difference between ground cloves and clove powder?

Is there a difference between ground cloves and clove powder? Can I easily substitute one for the other?

Solubility of herbs and spices

I am asking this question for reference mostly. My motivation comes from having a chef suggesting to place the saffron in white wine before using in a fish soup