Category "mold"

Curious mold growth in a sealled BBQ, how does one avoid it?

When finished cooking with the BBQ and cleaning the grill, I leave it running for a bit then shut off the intake and cap the exhaust (it's a Big Green Egg). At

Safe to use rice cooker after mold grew on rice?

So I left brown rice in my rice cooker for 10+ days and unsurprisingly, some dark mold grew on the rice while I was gone. Will hot water and detergent be enough

What causes mold to grow on frozen meats?

About 8 months ago we had a beef processed a meat processing plant. When we picked up the meat it was all pre-packaged and frozen. We immediately put it all i

How to dry fruit peels without growing mold?

I'm trying to dry citrus peels in a jar (I don't want to leave them indefinitely on the counter) without much luck. Any suggestions?

Should I throw moldy Strawberries away?

Should I throw away moldy Strawberries or just cut the bad parts off? They aren't super bad but I am a little paranoid when it comes to mold.

Does the thickness of a cake affect the baking time?

I am very new to baking, so this may be a bit of an obvious question, but: My daughter wants an airplane shaped chocolate cake for her birthday. I have seen var

How to deal with mold on pickle?

I made a pickle by placing cucumber in a solution of water+vinegar+salt, and left it for 3 weeks. When I opened it, it was covered with white mold all over the

Can I store fish sauce at room temperature, and how do I know when it's gone bad?

For a long time, I believed this advice: Don't refrigerate your fish sauce. Whatever can happen to this brew has already happened; it's not going to go ba

Is sourdough more resistant to mold than other breads?

My partner works at a restaurant where they serve sourdough as the bread you snack on to tide you over while perusing the menu. They are closed Sundays, which m

Blue/green mold on sourdough starter

I have been following instructions from KAF to start my own sourdough. On day 3, some small patches of blue/green mold appeared on the surface. The starter was

Moldy black truffles-are they edible?

Help! My friend brought me 3 Italian black truffles in brine (according to the label), packed by the producer in a glass jar. When I received them they weren't

Are bunya-bunya nuts safe to eat if the shells are moldy?

We recently harvested a bunch of bunya-bunya cones and set them aside for a while to wait for them to split open. Unfortunately, we forgot about them for a whi

Mold is growing on my cheese, what is common practice? [duplicate]

I love cheese and I am always buying and trying new types. Because of this, my cheese stash starts to grow faster than I can eat all of it. So

Is safe to eat jerky with white mold?

I recently ate a jerky with white mold on it (see below), I donot know if I should be okay with that? The mold grew on jerky because I placed it in a moist envi

Garlic turned to black powder?

Today I cut open a garlic bulb only to discover that the core was mostly black powder. What on earth was that? I've never seen it before in my life. From the ou

Does sugar inhibit mold growth?

I was reading a post earlier regarding maple syrup being left out overnight. They were asking if their beloved Maple syrup was still safe to consume. In the c

Cleaning a moldy Ninja Blender so it is again safe for use?

I have a ninja blender that was left in the fridge for too long and has a mold problem. When I found it, I washed it with piping hot water heated by our gas

Why did my sponge cake go moldy so quickly?

I made a no-oil sponge cake for a swiss roll. I filled it with fresh whipped cream and then stored the cake in the fridge. It has gone moldy within 4 days of fi

Is this moldy vinegar salvageable? [duplicate]

I started making apple cider vinegar using the second method listed on It's been

Pure maple syrup wedding favors

i want to give 4oz jars of syrup to my wedding guests as favors. Due to the cost I'm buying it in bulk and filling the jars myself. How far in advance can I fil