Category "moisture"

How to keep thin sponge bases moist?

I enjoy making multi layered sponge cakes (specifically chiffon sponge), but I find that when cooking a much thinner base than for a normal sponge (around 1cm h

How to quickly soften hard, dried out brown sugar

I had some brown sugar that didn't get properly sealed and so now it's too dry and solid as a rock. What's the quickest way to soften it up and get rid of the

How do I ensure my cooked meat turns out moist?

I don't cook meat very often, however when I do it often turns out "dry" rather than moist and juicy. How do I ensure my cooked meat turns out moist? thermome

What are the factors that affect the chewiness, softness, moisture of bread based desserts like cinnamon rolls?

I made some cinnamon rolls the other day but the outside of the rolls are firm rather than soft after baking. What are the factors that affect the chewiness, so

why is cooking in oil or fat considered dry heating?

Why is cooking in oil or fat considered dry heating, while cooking in wine is considered moist heating?

Can I make sweetened coconut from dried coconut?

In my pantry, I have a bag of dried & shredded coconut. I want to use it, but all recipes I come across ask for sweetened coconut. That coconut also looks a

How can I make zucchini bread less moist?

I made zucchini bread, and it turned out very tasty but too moist. It was very dense and somewhat sticky - not in an underdone way, though. I actually baked it

Refrigerated lunchboxes turn soggy

When I steam vegetables or boil rice I leave it to cool off for a few hours and then put it into a plastic lunch box and then into the fridge. After a day the v

cake undercooked or too wet?

I recently tried this recipe: with the following modifications: I didn't have any butter, so I subs

brown sugar has gained some moisture, want to remove

I assume this question generalizes to items such as flour. I kept brown sugar in the plastic bag it came in, in the refrigerator. Due to frequent use, it has

Is Microwaving considered dry heat or moist heat and why?

I am wondering if microwaving food is considered dry heat or moist heat. It has a similarity to frying in oil as it doesn't heat it in water. And I know frying

Adding moisture to gluten free muffins

I am using the following list of ingredients in trying to make gluten free, grain free, egg free, sugar free muffins. The texture turned out a bit too dry. Incr

The quantity of which ingredients should be increased to raise the moistness of a cake?

I tried this recipe and found the result to be quite dry for my taste. It contains milk, oil, and eggs. Which among the three should be increased to how much

What is the inside texture of a Japanese croquette?

I made croquettes the other day using recipe but it was really dry inside. I'm not sure where I made th

How can I make sugarless chocolate brownies more moist

I am making chocolate brownies without sugar using the following ingredients: cocoa nibs, 1 & 1/4 cups carob powder, 1/4 cup margarine, 125 g flour, 50 g s

Pizza dough texture and workability

I make my pizza dough with the following ingredients: 2 cups bread flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 2 teaspoons instant yeast 2 teaspoons coarse kosher salt 2 ta

how to regain moisture into already made cold rolls/spring rolls

I made some cold rolls with carrot, cucumber, capsicum and chicken in rice paper rolls. we ate some yesterday but had some leftover. We put damp kitchen towel i

How can I remove moisture from my onions?

Currently, I prepare onions to put on a pizza by using a food processor to chop them, then strain them and let them dry. Then, I put them in containers before

Difference between brown sugar and white sugar?

While visiting a coffee shop with coffee I was offered these two kind of sugar. But don't know about differences between them. And why does brown sugar absorb m

How do I make this quick-bread recipe less moist?

I modified a Paleo quick bread recipe so I could make it without any flour - coconut, nut, or other alternative. It is really good but super moist. Grilling it