Category "fermentation"

Does Worcestershire Sauce go Bad?

I really like Worcestershire sauce on a few things, but I never use it that often. My question is simply, does it ever go bad, and should I try to use it up qu

What device should I use for pressing/fermenting

I regularly make a Japanese side dish of fermented cabbage that's simply pressed down for a day and salted. I'd just jury rigged something up, but it finally br

Can kefir whey be refrigerated before being used to ferment other foods?

Is it okay to refrigerate kefir whey for a few days before fermenting other foods with it (i.e., almond butter

How can you consistently separate Kefir into curds and whey for cheesemaking?

I have trouble getting my Kefir to cleanly separate on a consistent basis, despite allowing it to sit out for multiple extra days, prior to refrigeration. As m

Making vinegar - alcohol and sugar tolerance

I am wondering if my latest batch of vinegar is either too sweet or too alcoholic for the acetobacter to flourish. Are there well known thresholds for alcohol a

Quantities of lactose, lactic acid, and other metabolites in yogurt

It's common to see vague statements about how people with limited lactose tolerance may be able to eat yogurt, because the bacterial fermentation eliminates som

Why are all sour cream cultures I've found for sale online labeled as direct set? Why can't I reuse like I do yogurt?

I've realized we go through a lot of sour cream in my household, and I want to start making probably about a pint or two a week during the summer months. I've

What are safe temperature ranges for fermenting miso paste?

I'd like to make some miso paste. The recipes I've seen recommend keeping the miso in a cool, dark place. Unfortunately my house gets hot in summertime and ther

Does kimchi always have live cultures?

A lot of the kimchi I see in stores doesn't say "live and active cultures" like yogurts and kefir. I'm trying to up my probiotic intake, but I'm not sure if all

Best container for making sauerkraut

We've tried this a few times. First time we used an old ceramic container and it started sheding on the inside and ruined it. Next time we used a new metal garb

How can I find out if yeast or yeast producing are present in foods?

How can I know if a food or ingredient contains yeast or yeast-producing ingredient? My condition requires yeast-free foods and ingredients.

What is this white, non-fuzzy, substance on my kimchi?

I have a jar of store bought kimchi that I neglected for a few months (bought around mid July). Today I opened it and noticed that a few pieces had some white s

Can I use fermented milk product as starter culture?

Can I use fermented milk product as starter culture for vegetable fermenting?

Can kvass be made without bread?

While searching for kvass recipes some of them mentioned that kvass can be made with rye flour or malt and since I can't find 100% rye breads where I live makin

Ideal condition to make injera

I'm trying to make Injera traditionally, without any starter, just teff flour (the white one) and water (tap water). I mixed it and left in a bowl, covered by d

Sauerkraut/sourkraut - ratio of grams of salt to grams of raw cabbage?

Yes, obviously it can vary. I'm just looking for an approximate range, as a good place to start for my first time making a batch. A good answer would be someth

Is there a difference between US Worcestershire sauce and UK Worcestershire sauce?

I recently bought a Worcestershire sauce from Costco called Lea & Perrins. They claim to be the authentic version of Worcestershire sauce. However I have re

Accidently reduced salt in pickling recipe - are these pickles still safe?

A dill pickle recipe called for 1.5 cups vinegar, 1.5 cups water, and 2 tablespoons salt. I doubled the bring, but forgot to double the salt before canning my p

What's the difference between heirloom and direct-set yogurt cultures?

Yogurt cultures seem to come in two varieties: heirloom and direct-set. The difference between the varieties is that one is a carefully selected mix of bacter

Small batch of sauerkraut smells yeasty

As an experiment, for my first attempt, I'm making a small batch of sauerkraut. Small like less than 1/3 of a head. Its setup is pretty amateur, no professional