Category "fermentation"

Mold on homemade sriracha

We found a recipe online for homemade sriracha hot sauce. 3lbs red jalapeños 1 cup brown sugar ⅛ cup salt Everything was blended together, then s

container for bulk fermentation/proofing

It happens to me quite often that I make small batches of bread/pizza/focaccia dough that need to spend several hours in the fridge or at room temperature in a

Can you tell if a food is fermented (in a "good" way) or rancid?

The other day I took out a cubed pineapple from the fridge, and when I tasted it it tasted like it started to go "bad." But it actually tasted pretty good and I

Should I reshape refrigerated pizza dough into ball again when taking it out of the fridge?

I made a pizza dough and put it in the fridge until tomorrow. 100% wheat flour, 68% water, 3% salt, 0.3% yeast. I don't remember where I got the recipe, I kind

What kind of apple fermented drink did I just make?

I got this (dutch) recipe on Twitter a few months back. Translated it's called: apple with bubbles. I made it, and it was nice, simple process, and produced a n

How to increase the carbonation for water Kefir fermentation?

I want to make my fermented water kefir drink more fizzy. I used to following recipe 1st Fermentation 24h 78g sugar 237ml hot water 1.2 l room temp filtere

How do I identify the fermentation process in a wild ferment?

TL;DR - How do I go about to identify the microbiological processes in a wild ferment? Background I have a recipe for rose hip wine based on wild (spontaneous)

Would replacing sugar with a sweetener affect bread dough fermentation?

I've been baking Asian style sweet bread rolls using the Tangzhong method with success. However recipe calls for quite a bit of sugar (60g for 2.5 cups of flour

I get a smaller volume loaf from mixing sourdough in mixer - what am I doing wrong?

I have made my same recipe (74% hydration) of sourdough by both the stretch and fold and the Kitchenaid mixer method. I get a denser, lower volume loaf when I u

Name of this jar?

I love this jar for making sauerkraut. Its mouth is as wide as the jar which makes stomping sauerkraut much easier than Ball/Kerr jars. Its glass is thicker

Lactic fermentation related question: Is there a relationship between pH, salinity, fermentation magic, and heat?

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to abstract out heat in the Lacto fermentation equation. In fact, I am not even sure if heat is part of the equation

Do I need more fermentation? Why my sourdough is flattened?

From a few weeks I've been trying to make sourdough. The most successful recipe for me and for the time I have I found is Easy Sourdough Bread Recipe using a st

If pickling destroys Vitamin C, how is Sauerkraut rich in Vitamin C?

My understanding is that pickling destroys Vitamin C. However, apparently Sauerkraut is very rich in Vitamin C and is used by the German Navy to offset scurvy.

Using over-rested pizza dough as old dough

I made pizza dough (flour, olive oil, 1 tsp salt, 7g instant yeast and cold water) last night but never got around to using it. It is still sitting covered in t

Where did the first kombucha SCOBY come from?

I haven't been able to find any information on this online. Kombucha recipes always suggest to either get a bit of the starter from someone else who makes kombu

Can I use Yakult as a yogurt starter?

I'm wondering if we can use Yakult as a yogurt starter to obtain drinkable yogurt?

Is it ok to eat kimchi that is causing its package to expand?

For non-fermented foods, I feel like it's obvious that they shouldn't be consumed if they're causing the package they're stored in to expand, even if they're st

Danish rye bread (rugbrød) gone wrong?

A couple weeks ago I tried making a danish rye bread using Magnus Nilsson's recipe from "The Nordic Cook Book." The recipe basically calls for a preferment of r

Is sour milk, soured milk, and milk that has gone sour, all the exact same thing?

Is sour milk, soured milk, and milk that has gone sour, all the exact same thing? Related to this question: Is buttermilk another term for sour milk or some par

Fermenting sauerkraut - during the massage phase the cabbage got REALLY bubbly

So I massaged the cabbage heavily with salt to get the brine water going, but then it got REALLY bubbly... it looked like I washed everything with soap! Is this