Category "fermentation"

Safe bottles for fermented liquids

I have some kombucha scoby that I let go way too long (had to leave town for a bit, new job…) and it has gone to vinegar. I would hate to just throw it o

Is stinky tofu safe to eat [duplicate]

How safe is stinky tofu since it does smell like feces? Is there risk of bad prep when making it or coming out of places with questionable foo

Kimchi air bubble removal

I'm making Kimchi for the first time and I have two questions about air bubble removal. First, all the recipes I've seen say to press the Kimchi down to remove

Sourdough pizza crust for wood-fired oven

I can consistently make a nice, well-blistered, chewy pizza crust in my wood-fired oven. My recipe is Caputo flour (the red bag), 60% hydration, 2.5% salt, 0.25

What defines the type of the fermentation (alcohol/lacto)?

What defines the outcome of the fermentation? You put the veggie, fruit in an anaerobic environment and you either get "Alcohol fermentation" (ethanol) or "Lact

Wild Sourdough Starter Never gets more than 1/3 bigger - Am I doing something wrong?

I made a wild sourdough starter back in July of last year. Did some baking with it, but it has never doubled in size the way that I see described in articles on

Is lactic acid a vinegar?

'Saccharomyces' gives us 'ethanol' (i.e. alcohol). Then 'acetobacter' makes 'acetic acid' (i.e. vinegar) On the other hand, 'lactobacillus' gives us 'lactic aci

lactofermenting blueberries have hardly produced any liquid - is this safe?

I've begun a batch of lactofermented blueberries, following the recipe in The Noma Guide To Fermentation. I mixed the salt and blueberries, and poured them into

How can I prevent discoloration in lactic fermented vegetables/sauces?

I make lactobacillus fermented hot sauces and have noticed that they get a slight brownish discoloration over time. I'm curious if there is something I can do

Canned Coconut milk is curdled when opened

I bought Coconut milk (88% coconut and rest water) in a sealed can, when I opened it the solid where already separated from the liquid. The solid part was at th

White texture on natto

I'm making a first time natto in natto/black garlic pot. So I go by the recipe. First soak beans for 24 h then steam to be softer. Put natto starter inside a s

Found a single fruit fly inside my batch of apple cider vinegar. Should I throw it all away?

I'm making apple cider vinegar. I strained the scraps from the liquid and some time later, found a single fruit fly inside the jar. I took it off, but didn't th

Fermenting Peppers in brine with 1 table spoon salt to 0.9 L Jar, too low salt? Botulism risk?

I have fermented some peppers, but after doing so, I started to doubt the ratio of salt might be too low; I used 1 table spoon of salt, for a jar of 0.9 L; does

Is this layer on top of my fermented peppers mold? If it is not, is it still safe to eat?

I'm fermenting my home grown scotch bonnets, and I'm concerned that they're molding and are no longer edible. My setup was an open container, with a relatively

Jammed Jar Spigot

I was experimenting with a continuous brew injera (Ethiopian sourdough pancake) and it was doing excellently dispensing the 1st time. When I dispensed enough I

How to salvage bitter homemade mustard?

I made some mustard but it turned out bitter. I saw similar question here but their case was a bit different than mine. I used only small yellow seeds. Didn't u

Warm vegetable fermentation (at ~30C / 85F) - when is it used and what are the microbial mechanisms behind it?

I come from a Polish family and a constant of every christmas is a spicy fermented beet soup. My family has been fermenting the beets exclusively in a terracota

Are a few air bubbles in a fermenting pepper jar okay?

I'm making America's Test Kitchen's fermented jalapeno recipe for the first time. Here's a pay-walled link. The general idea is you pack halved-through-the-stem

How can oak leaves be made edible?

Based on some research, it seems the leaves contain tannins and so I imagine some number of rounds of boiling are required to extract those/reduce them to an ac

Can we ferment cellulose (outside of our body) to turn it into food?

I recently read about (wild) fermentation of vegetables. I learned that: By adding salt and water and keeping out the oxygen, we create a biome that favours cet