Are there machines that maintain optimal temperature for dough to rise?
I have tried making meat stuffed Calzones from pizza dough. It came out really crispy, but after 10 minutes or so the bread was kind of rubbery. It was weird be
I am on my road to perfecting thin crust pizza, but a major problem is that about 5 to 10 minutes after getting it out of the oven the cheese begins to congeal
I have a Panasonic SD-ZB2512 bread maker and I like to use it to make pizza dough. It does a good enough job but only makes enough for one pizza at a time. Can
When I make Neapolitan pizza dough, the dough is so soft and supple that I can hardly work it into a round shape before it is stretched far too large and overly
I have a go-to recipe for Honey-Oat Pain de Mie. I'd like to add about 1/2 cup total of combined sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Since I do bake it in a Pain de Mi
I often see recipes that just ask to mix the ingredients until you get an homogeneous mix. Others ask to mix the ingredients to exhaustion. W
When I make pasta, and roll it through my pasta machine, the edges always end up cracking up a little. It becomes quite difficult to pass it through the machine
Im trying to learn all about bread making as im currently doing my svq as a craft baker. One question im having trouble answering is about dou
I've been trying to make croissants at home. Many recipes I've read specify "European style" butter, with a higher fat content. However, finding this kind of bu
I'm trying to experiment with cold fermentation. I've put dough in the fridge and I see that it slowed down. However how long should it ferment afterward before
I would like to make pizza dough by hand a few nights before actually baking. Do I knead the dough, let it rise, punch down, cover in oil and saran wrap, and th
I made pizza dough (it was ready to use, you just add the liquid ingredients -oil and milk in my case- and the rest is similar to the usual process of letting i
I like to use the commercial frozen pizza doughs to make pizza, like for example Tizeo's. The problem is that my doctor has told me to cut out sodium. I used t
I am a home artisan baker, and am looking to build a table for myself to do folding/dividing/shaping of my bread doughs. I usually work with wet doughs (78%-95
Why is it recommended to preferment only a portion of the dough required to make a sourdough rye bread? What can go wrong if I preferment the whole batch? My cu
Does eating raw flour or doughs containing raw flour pose a significant food safety risk (i.e., greater than other dry goods or ingredients in your kitchen)? I
I use the following dough recipe, it tastes okay, but is very difficult to shape and never holds its shape. Advice please 15 g Dried Yeast (Green Tin whe
I notice that in small, cheap "sub-shop" type pizza places the crust is almost always bad, what I call "spongy", having a rubbery texture and often little air b
I'm pretty new to the sourdough game and will admit that I have very little knowledge of the science behind it (hydration, etc.). I have so far tried two sourdo