Category "dough"

Pizza Dough Ingredients too runny even after adding flour

My husband is trying to make pizza dough as I speak. He prepared the yeast properly. After adding all of the ingredients, he claims the mixture is runny on the

Dense pizza dough- need help! How to make lighter and more airy pizza?

I am trying to make New York style pizza at home. I have tried many different recipes and different types of flours. I live in India, so I don't have access to

Why is my Buckwheat soba noodle dough crumbling?

I am trying to make Buckwheat noodles (Soba). The recipe involves nothing but buckwheat flour and water. I am failing to make the dough solid. It crumbles apart

What is the difference between bread dough and pizza dough?

Our local supermarket sells bread dough, and I was wondering whether I could use it for a pizza base, or whether it would rise too much. At present we've been

Working with dough

Why is it that when I make pyrogy dough in the fall, the dough is more pliable than in the spring time. I make large amounts of pyrogies for freezing and find i

Kneading dough with long nails; latex gloves?

Is it possible/recommended to knead dough with disposable latex gloves on? I'm asking because I have quite long nails and don't find it a very hygienic idea to

Effects of correcting partially mixed/kneaded dough with flour or liquid

Often, doughs (be it quickbread, enriched yeast bread or cake doughs based on these) turn out too dry or wet in home baking practice, be it by temperature issue

How to make the Custard Bun so white?

I'm trying to make Custard Bun following the instructions from : How to make Custard Bun- Milk Yolk Buns Everything goes well except the color of the dough a

Is there another way to prove dough? [duplicate]

My dough is not proving because the room temperature is too cold in my house. Is there another method to make my dough rise without over-provi

Why is my fresh pasta tough?

I picked up a Marcato Pasta Maker and followed the recipe included to make both fettuccine and ravioli. The instructions that came with the machine offer two ba

Dents in pizza dough

The other day I went to PapaJohns and noticed that they had a roller that had spikes on it and they rolled it on their dough to make some impressions in the dou

Why does dough and its ingredients need to be cold?

Recipes keep repeating on how the ingredients you add (at least in pie crust dough) should be cold. A quote: If your dough gets too warm, send it back into

My dough is cracking (not crumbling) and more water does not help

I am following this Serious Eats pie crust recipe. It's the second time already where I struggle with the dough folding stage. The dough is too crumbly when I

How does ambient humidity of flour storage influence dough?

Cooking lore places a lot of importance on air humidity for doughs. When a dough fails, people quickly point that out as a possible factor, that happens on our

How does ambient humidity of flour storage influence dough?

Cooking lore places a lot of importance on air humidity for doughs. When a dough fails, people quickly point that out as a possible factor, that happens on our

Using sugar when making pizza dough

A lot of the recipes that I've seen on YouTube and different forums have used four main ingredients when making pizza dough - flour, water, yeast, and salt. I'm

High hydration breads end up with gummy/undercooked interior

Whenever I make bread with hydration from 80%-120% the interior is always gummy and undercooked. They have a decent hole structure, but collapse easily when pre

Pizza without yeast

I was wondering if it is possible to make a good pizza dough without yeast. The only other things I can think of for leavening are baking soda, baking powder,

Raw dough storage

I'm making cinnamon rolls tonight but they're not going to be baked until Sunday morning, what is the best way to store them without baking them until Sunday?

Over-resting waffle dough

I'm planning on making belgian waffles as a dessert but I want to prepare the dough in advance. Most recipes use yeast and require the dough to raise between