Category "biscuits"

Can I save wet biscuits?

In the rainy season biscuits and other dry goods become wet under their packing. Can they be recovered?

How to get uniform sized biscotti?

I follow this recipe to make biscotti and replace 1 egg with 50 gms of butter. So I end up adding 2 eggs and 50 gms of butter.It is always incredibly yummy but

Biscotti with chocolate drizzle in batter

I make biscotti. I want to introduce chocolate — not chips, but melted chocolate — drizzled through the dough without turning it completely into cho

When can I use a cake recipe to make muffins?

I wanted to know what are the rules for using a recipe of a cake biscuit to make muffins. I understand I need to adjust the time of baking. Is there anything el

How do I convert a British biscuit recipe to a moister American style cookie?

I've got a triple choc biscuit recipe from my British mother. She's noted that it's a dry biscuit as it's meant to be enjoyed with a cup of tea. My partner enjo

What's the best way to cook JD biscuit rollups?

What's the best way to cook these Jimmy Dean's biscuit roll-ups? The microwave directions aren't bad, but, as often happens with things cooked in the microwave

Using melted butter vs rubbing it into flour?

Let's say I'm making a crumble topping or some biscuits. What, if any, differences would it make to the finished product if melted butter was used instead of r

What is the Best Way to Keep Digestive Biscuits Fresh

I bought a bunch of biscuit packets (ginger nut, digestives, bourbon biscuits) and couldn't resist opening a pack or two to try them. Now I'm afraid they'll go

What can I do with soft biscuits due to air exposure

I had bought a biscuit packet and after eating some I left the packet in a poly bag with a knot. However may be due to loosening of the knot, and hence, the air

Trying to recreate my grandmother's buttermilk biscuits

My grandmother made the best biscuits in the world. She made them 7 days a week, and cooked them on a cast iron skillet without any sides. They were always pe