Category "barbecue"

Artificial Wood Chips/Smoke for smoking meat

I am looking for alternatives to using wood chips for smoking meats. I would like the process to actually smoke the meat. Liquid smoke/marinades are not what

Is dry rub necessary in making bbq ribs?

Normally when I make bbq ribs in the oven at home, I have to prepare the ribs approximately a day ahead. I usually cover the ribs with a dry rub mixture (made o

How do you cook corn kernels on BBQ?

I recently had some BBQ corn where the corn was in individual kernels. I'm wondering how this would be done on a BBQ... would you grill the corn on the cob, the

How do you handle the fires caused by adding wood chips to coal?

I've been using wood chips in my BBQ (adding them to the coal) and I enjoy the flavor they add but I have a tough time cooking with them because: They cause fl

Should I prick sausages during cooking?

Whenever I go to a BBQ and sausages are cooking, the chef will always prick the sausages while they are cooking. I have no idea what this does, I assume it's to

What is the correct way to make "Brazil style" BBQ meat?

I'm interested in cooking some meat Brazilian style, like they do at those BBQ restraunts where the meat is served on trays in small slivers. Is there an effect

Why throw salt over a barbecue before cooking?

At a recent barbecue in Chile, I watched the chef throw large handfuls of salt over the charcoal a few minutes before placing on the meat. What would be the re

How do I make sure that the meat cooks well and yet stays juicy on a bbq?

I am a bbq rookie and learning to cook various kinds of meat on the grill. I usually cook chicken, lamb, pork, beef and fish. However, I am struggling to get an

How long to cook asparagus on a BBQ?

I'm going to be grilling some asparagus which I have never done before. How long should I be having them on the grill so that they're not all mushy and soft?

cooking beef roast on a spit

I will be having a graduation party for my twin daughters in june and i want to cook some large beef roasts on the spit. Although i have cooked plenty of beef b

How to cook fall-off-the-bone beef spare ribs in oven or on stove top?

All, I would like to cook spare ribs to a fall-off-the-bone consistency. I don't have access to a grill. I know how to do that with pork shoulders (dry rubbe

When is best to apply sauce on to BBQ chicken?

I'm cooking a full chicken divided into 8 pieces... When is the best time to put sauce on chicken cooked on a BBQ? Is it better to do it after it sits for a w

What cooking/grilling applications are more suitable for smokers than standard BBQ's?

More specifically, I'm looking to determine if there is value in acquiring a smoker to accompany my current grill.

What changes should I make to accomodate vegan naked fatties?

I would like to make naked fatties on the barbeque this weekend, but want to accomodate some vegan friends (and my on/off lacto-ovo wife). I can easily swap reg

Cooking tied-up ribeye

This is probably a silly question, but I saw these steaks that the butcher in the grocery store said to be made of several pieces attached together by a thread.

What can I use to substitute apple juice in a preparation of ribs?

I am using a quick prep of ribs on a UV grill (that doesn't really hold a temp under 300'F; qed, no long slow cooking). I saw one other answer here where the ri

What is the difference between Grills, Barbecues, Broiling e.t.c.? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Translating cooking terms between US / UK / AU / CA / NZ What is the difference between Grills, Barbecues, Broilin

What is direct heat?

Why is it that when I check google images for Direct heat, I see pictures of a flame under a grid like surface? Is that direct, or indirect? And what'd you ca

Ways to bar-b-que and smoke Kangaroo

Kangaroo is an unusual meat for most of the world. From reputation, it's quite hard to cook right as it tends to dry out: Kangaroo meat is very low in fat,

What is this grilling utensil with two wire mesh panels?

I want to buy this cooking utensil but have no idea what it is called and where i can buy one from. I think it is mainly used on barbeques. Ive tried googling a