Category "baking-soda"

Can/should I use baking soda when cooking beans?

My recipe for hummus says to cook the garbanzo beans with a little baking soda to soften them. Does this work with other legumes? I've often seen the advice a

How do I bake chocolate chip cookies like Subway?

I want a chocolate chip cookie like the ones Subway has. Those cookies have a smooth top and chewy texture. I have a recipe for 3/4 cup fat, 0.5 cup sugar 0,5

Why pre-mix baking soda into 2 tsp of milk?

I am not much of a cook, but about this time every year, I pull out a favorite family recipe for cookies. My grandmother made these cookies for me when I was a

Baking soda accident in pretzel dough - Can it be salvaged?

I made a mistake and put the baking soda in the pretzel dough! Instead of using it for its intended purpose ( Boiling the pretzel dough in it before baking.) It

Cleaning silver with aluminum

Will the silver get broken down (disappear a little bit) when cleaning silver utensils with boiling water, baking soda and aluminium?

Can I make any modern improvements to this Russian cake recipe from 1971?

I found a recipe in a 1971 Russian booklet on holiday recipes, (see it below). I translated it to English. My questions about the recipe will be these: are t

How to make baking soda

I'm in a place where buying baking soda is proving to be quite difficult*, so I was looking for substitutions, and it seems there really aren't any. So this go

If I can't find baking soda or baking powder, what should I do?

Suppose I'm somewhere where stores don't seem to stock baking soda or baking powder. Are there other names either of those might be sold under? Or are there thi

Does one really need to add sodium bicarbonate if one already uses baking powder?

I find that sodium bicarbonate ruins the taste of many cakes and cookies. If I'm using double acting baking powder, do I need to add the sodium bicarbonate as w

Baking powder substitutes

So I found this amazing pizza dough recipe. It calls for flour and baking powder (or self rising flour) and sour cream, but I do not have self rising flour or b

I added yeast to a recipe calling for baking soda, what will happen? [closed]

I have added yeast to a recipe that also calls for baking soda and baking powder. I am curious what will happen to the bread? I combined a br

How long can batter sit before chemical leaveners lose their power?

Background: I can not fit 2 - 12 muffin tins in my oven in a manner that will result in 24 nicely baked muffins or cupcakes. I am using everyday muffin or cupca

Baking soda for soaking chickpeas [duplicate]

This source claims that adding baking soda is crucial when soaking chickpeas. Is this true, and if so, what is the reason that this works?

fluffiness of medu vada without baking soda

How do we keep the medu vada batter fluffy without adding baking soda? I would like to use it less, hence trying to find a substitute for the ingredient, or b

Why should I bake baking soda for making ramen noodles?

I see this recipe for ramen noodles ("alkaline noodles") that says to use bicarb / baking soda that is baked in a very slow oven for an hour (250F / 120C) befor

Can I store dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, baking soda, etc) together?

I am planning on making a bunch of gingerbread this year, the recipe I use takes both baking powder and baking soda. In order to cut down on dishes and time I

Can I use lye as a leavener instead of baking soda?

I'm interested to try to make waffles using a concentrated lye water instead of baking soda as a leavening agent. I have three questions related to this subject

Replacements for baking soda in a cake

Sometimes I wish to bake a cake, but the country where I am in doesn't have baking soda. I have tried using actual soda, but this has limited success and the ca

How to make adjust a recipe for red velvet cake when increasing the quantity?

If I'm quadrupling the recipe for a red velvet cake do I still add four times the baking soda and powder?

Can powdered citric acid be used instead of baking soda?

So I couldnt find baking soda anywhere, went to a shop and the guy gave me citric acid saying its the same thing? I bought it anyway but I want to know if its s