Category "acidity"

How to make shelf-stable chocolate milk?

Based on online reading, it seems like decreasing PH to < 4.5 is the way to reduce spore-former activity. Is it possible to decrease the pH of milk without

Does acidity negate double-acting baking powder?

As described here, most common baking powders contain two acids, one that reacts to moisture, and one that mostly reacts when heated. Does that mean that if my

How can I determine canning processing times?

I know safety is paramount with canning, and best answer is always to find a trusted recipe. But that's obviously not possible for every conceivable food one mi

How can I make my dish less sour?

I use peri peri sauce for grilling chicken, but it's coming out to be too sour. How can I neutralize the sauce?

How can I modify my hot sauce to make it Shelf Stable?

I would like to be able to can and then sell my own hot sauce. The hot sauce I make is a low acid meat (ground beef) and tomato based sauce. I had sent it in to

Necessary to change chemical leavener for sugar substitution in baking recipe?

If I substitute raw sugar for white sugar, do I need to add more baking soda/less powder to offset any additional acidity raw sugar may contain?

The role of the gluten in an acid environment

When you make sourdough bread, you usually want more sourdough if you are using a flour with a low percentage of gluten ( minor strength ) and less sourdough if

What can make a radish lose its flavour in a dish?

I wanted to try something new so I had the idea of putting radish in with my tuna salad. I really like the spicy punch of radishes so I was excited to taste the

Is Jalebi acidic?

I would like to know if Jalebi is acidic or not? I want to create a dish using milk and Jalebi. But if Jalebi is acidic in nature than it will react with the mi

Are limes and lime juice more acidic than lemons and lemon juice?

I attended a business meeting in the Midwest and one of our clients took our management team and a few other business partners to dinner at an awesome Mexican r

Browning Avocados - What Helps?

Years ago Koobz asked "Oxidized Avocado: What's Going on & How to Prevent It?" That question has been merged with this one because it's dealing with the sam

Malva pudding recipe containing too much bicarb and vinegar?

I tried making Malva pudding today using this recipe and the results were decidedly off. I don't know if it was too acidy or basey but definitely didn't taste r

Is it possible to make guacamole without acid?

All guacamole recipes call for lime juice, some tomato variant, even hot sauce. I want to make a low-acid guacamole. Is the acid necessary? How do I go about

How much citric acid to use to preserve vegetarian jelly?

I am making a vegetarian jelly using Carrageenan. I am hoping to make a batch to give out as samples to friends etc. (hoping to market it eventually). Does anyo

Acid content of wine vs. vinegar?

I'm making bone broth, and the recipe says to add 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice (to 5# bones and 5 qts. water) to help draw the minerals out of the bo

How do I measure the ripeness of my tomatoes?

In my quest for a perfect shakeshouka (eggs in poultry) I figured out I need less acidity in the dish, and have read that acidity in tomatoes varies widely. I h

Does adding sugar to tomato type sauces affect acidity?

Many(most?) tomato based pasta sauces have added sugar, it is generally a very small amount. I have always heard this was done to reduce the acidity. My main

Regulation and balancing of readymade packed mayonnaise and other sauces

How to reduce the acidity of packet sauces and mayonnaises? I came to know these packed food stuffs are very acidic to prevent any bacterial attack and i felt i

Pomegranate juice ceviche

I want to make a ceviche and although the 'traditional' acids are lemon and lime, I have a desire to use pomegranate juice but I'm concerned that the pH is too

Sweet and Sour?

In comments related to this question, there was discussion about pH, fructose concentration, what compounds a fruit contains, etc. influencing or determining "f