Category "tomatoes"

Red tomato sauce recipe [closed]

As of late, I have found myself incredibly interested in perfecting a red sauce recipe. While I don't have the recipe in front of me, I know

Tomato skin in roasted tomato soup?

In preparing roasted tomato soup, which includes tomatoes that I roast in the oven at 200 °C (392 °F) for 30 minutes, and then simmer for a long time, I

What is the "standard" salsa tomato?

I make a lot of fresh salsa (pico de gallo style) in the summer, but I don't usually think much about the type of tomatoes I'm usuing. Usually I just buy whatev

Did tomato paste come in only one size of can in the 1950s?

I found an old cookery book while on holiday at the german coast, it was published by Peter Pauper press, Mt. Vernon, New York in 1959. All recipes that use to

Looking to add some texture to my tomato soup recipe

I have been working on perfecting a tomato soup recipe for the past month or so and I've reached the point where the soup itself is to my liking. I am now tryi

What is the correct onion to tomato ratio for North Indian masala sauce?

What's the optimum — or, at least, the most widely used — tomato to onion ratio for making the tomato masala (sauce)? Masala is used as the base for

Is it necessary to skim the scum off of fermenting pickles?

The sour (fermented) pickle recipe that I am following states: Check the crock every day. Skim any mold from the surface, but don’t worry if you can

Preparing Salsa with a Magic Bullet

I'm trying to make some salsa with a magic bullet using the given recipe from the cookbook that comes with it. Here's the recipe with a picture of how it turns

Looks curdled, but it wasn't - my bad alfredo

I made some alfredo sauce (evoo, heavy cream, homemade pesto, Parmesan cheese) and decided to throw in some chopped tomato. Instantly, it separated. Was it the

What is the difference between grape and cherry tomatoes?

What is the flavor difference between grape and cherry tomatoes? The store had both and they looked rather similar.

How can I make Shepherd's Pie without tomatoes?

Shepherd's pie recipes usually involve cooking the lamb mince with tomato paste or chopped tomatoes from a can, for example in this BBC recipe, or this Good Foo

How Long Does Tomato Juice Last?

We've been buying tomato juice in smaller containers and now decided to buy bigger ones. But, when we went to the store the tomato juice says that it only last

How do I get rid of that calcium chloride taste in my tomato sauce?

When making high-heat, quick tomato sauces using economical brands of tomatoes packed using calcium chloride (and citric acid typically), the metallic taste and

Will tomatoes keep for longer if you keep the stalk in?

I know that avocados are supposed to keep longer with the stalks; I would like to know if it is also true for tomatoes?

How do tomatillos differ in taste from under-ripe tomatoes?

I can't get access to tomatillos, but I would like to know what they taste like. This helped me a bit, but it's not entirely clear to me what would be differen

How do I prevent tomatoes from falling in a green salad?

When making a green salad, I have taken to grating carrots instead of dicing them so they will mix better with the leaves. I can't grate tomatoes. No matter ho

Tomato pasta sauce splits. Why?

I use fresh tomato puree to make my pasta sauce, other things in my sauce are olive oil, garlic, some herbs and salt, i don't let it boil but during the simmeri

Thinning Tomato paste

I have been experimenting with making my own condiments over the paste few weeks and there is one thing I cannot get correct. The tomato paste has a thicker g

How can I use these new findings on tomatoes to my advantage?

A new study appears to suggest that the characteristics that make a tomato most appealing when choosing one at the store also make it the least appealing when b

What can I use to replace the tomato juice in gazpacho?

I'm trying to find cold alternatives to hot soup. A friend pointed me to gazpacho. I tried that, and we really liked it. However, I will be cooking for someone