Category "storage"

What would cause the peel of a lime to turn yellow?

About a week ago, I purchased two limes, a lemon, a couple of kiwi fruits, and some oranges. When I got home, I placed them in a bowl. One of the limes ended up

Will uncooked meat tenderise or toughen while stored in a refrigerator?

In an effort to make fewer food shopping trips, I want to store meat in the fridge for a few days before cooking. However, if I'm entertaining guests I want the

Storing Self-Made Cookies/Brittles/etc longer: ingredients and techniques

I like to make a large amount of pan sheet cookies or brownie brittles as something to crumble over my breakfast yogurt. Something in the style of variations on

Can uncooked rice be stored in the freezer or refrigerator?

I just bought some Carolina Plantation Gold rice in a sack. It says to store it in the freezer or the refrigerator. Can this be right?

Prevent matcha gelatination [closed]

I have made matcha (bubble tea powder + cream) in bulk and mixed with water and sugar, stored it in a large container and put it in the refrig

What container for olive oil for longest shelf life?

I have bought a 5l container of olive oil which is impractical for daily use. I intend to decant it into something smaller but I'm not sure what to buy. I know

Storing spoiled meat with fresh meat in a freezer

I just bought a new chest freezer to store some lamb and beef. I placed the fresh lamb meat in a couple of metal containers (not covered) and put these in the f

How to remove salt from sun-dried tomatoes

I have a large packet of sun-dried tomatoes, the type that are preserved dry with salt rather than the type sold in jars covered with olive or sunflower oi

Can homemade vinegar be safely sealed in a bottle?

When I've read kombucha recipes a last recommended step was to bottle the liquid, allow some gas buildup to carbonate it, and then refrigerate it to stop the ba

Reheating and Storing Chicken/Potato Soup For 10 Hours

I would like to reheat chicken/potato soup (heavy whipped cream, cooked chicken, flour, potato, cooked bacon, some salt, and vegetables to name a few ingredient

how long is vacuum sealed meat safe at room temperature before spoiling [duplicate]

I've seen several great posts about food safety, such as:

What is the best practice storage method for flour to avoid bugs?

I have recently decided that I'd rather have base ingredients that I am store in my pantry in order to make more meals from scratch as opposed to getting things

Best way to preserve guanciale (or other cured meats) in the fridge

I have a 1.2 KG piece of guanciale currently still vacuum sealed. It will take a few months to eat so, once opened, what should it be wrapped it in to maximize

How should I store spare royal icing?

After making a gingerbread house yesterday, we have some leftover royal icing (I only made 1 egg's worth, but it was still too much). How should this be stored

How to preserve this agar based dish for humans?

I am a cook that created a dish with the following ingredients: agar a raw egg (remains uncooked) bee pollen honey water I want to be able to preserve this dish

Is it safe to put silica gel packets in spices?

I know it's pretty safe (even recommended) to store food in cabinets that have silica gel packs. I'm wondering if it is safe (and a good idea) to put the sealed