Category "sourdough"

How does a sourdough sponge work?

I'm trying to learn more about sponges in breadmaking. Most recipes that I've found for sourdough bread don't use a sponge. What does it add? Also, what's a g

Why isn't a Sourdough starter unsanitary?

Letting a bowl of flour and water go bad in a warm corner seems problematic at best. I'm willing to believe there is some process that goes on to limit pathoge

Should a sourdough starter be left open/ajar after feeding?

I keep my sourdough starter (spelt) in the fridge and leave it out after feeding it. Should the jar that the starter be kept in be left open/ajar in order to en

Is sourdough actually sour?

Why is sourdough called 'sourdough'? Is it because it is sour to the taste, or for a different reason?

How does sourdough (wild yeast) starter differ from location to location?

I understand that sourdough starter (made from wild yeast) will differ from location to location, based on the different yeast bacteria. How will this change th

How does hydration of a sourdough affect baking features?

Looking at different recipes for sourdough starters, there's everything from a mix as dry as cookie dough to as wet as gruel. In this (danish) recipe from the a

Mathris broke as soon as I added it into medium hot oil

Why did my Mathris break apart (they didn't bind together) while frying? I was making Methi Mathris-Kasuri using 1 tsp methi, peppercorns, ajwain, salt, cumin

How to rise and bake a sourdough loaf in the least amount of time?

Sometimes I need to bake a loaf or loaves of bread as soon as possible with my sourdough starter. For example my few tablespoons of starter needs to become bre

Using Sourdough Breads to reduce Fructans

Short version: How can you minimise the fructan content of a spelt sourdough loaf? Is using a freshly rebuilt starter (low acidity, low sourness) ok? Is 9-10 ho

Very old sourdough starter; how long is too long?

For quite some time, my grandmother has had a sourdough starter kept in the fridge. I observed her making muffins and whatnot on an infrequent basis, with the

Rye flour in starter

I have a recipe for sourdough starter, that says I should use rye flour. But which is that? I have grinded my own flour from whole rye berries. There is a lot o

Oven Spring when first stage of recipe includes a ten hour first rise

I am baking Swedish Limpa Bread. The recipe calls for mixing rye flour with a molasses/ anise seed, salt and water mixture and letting rise overnight or nine to

Making sourdough bread in a warm and humid climate

I live in a warm and humid climate - average temp is mid 80's. I have been making sourdough and like the flavor, but the loaves are flat, very dense texture an

Rolling out after or before the leavening process?

Assuming that you want to create home made pizza and bread, it's better to create the final shape when you create your dough or after the leavening ? I think t

Mixing both gluten production and milk

I would like to get tenderness from both the leavening and the milk, when and where I should add the milk ? My recipe is based on sourdough starter, wheat flou

Should I use a base to offset the sour in overripe sourdough starter?

My starter is active and mature, but sometimes I don't have time to check and feed it at its optimal activity for my preferred sour (very slight). This means b

Is sourdough more resistant to mold than other breads?

My partner works at a restaurant where they serve sourdough as the bread you snack on to tide you over while perusing the menu. They are closed Sundays, which m

How can I make my sourdough crust chewier?

I'm making sourdough bread and am pleased with the results except that the crust is too hard and crunchy. Inside it's great, moist and a good even crumb. It mak

Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?

I have very limited options in my kitchen, and while the dutch oven is the preferred method for getting an 'oven spring' while baking sourdough, I do not have a

Sourdough starter developing alcohol

I have been dealing with my sourdough starter since about 1-2 months ago, when I started it from scratch with just water and flour . In the last 2 refreshments