Category "safety"

How does one know if one can eat raw saltwater fish?

As I go spearfishing a lot, I have always lots of fish at home. After testing a variety of recipes, I was thinking of trying some sushi variations (sashimi, mak

Are bonded stainless pans safe to use if they make knocking sounds?

We were gifted a set of Cuisanart stainless steel (impact bonded) pots and pans last Winter and use them fairly heavily for cooking at home. We just started to

What happened to this pot

I just bought a new cheap pot. Put some water in it, boiled it and noticed the pot up to its water level turned dark. I was thinking maybe the metal coating w

Is a portable Wok burner safe (indoors)

My Condo only has an electric stove, an no gas lines. I was looking to get a portable propane burner for a wok, so that I could effectively cook (I use it daily

Non toxic glowing food or drink

Is there a way to make a chemiluminescencent reaction that is safe for consumption by humans? That is to say is it possible to make an item of food or drink tha

How long can a virus (e.g. SARS-COV2) survive in food?

I was wondering how long a coronavirus (or viruses in general, because there's probably not that info available on coronavirus in food yet) inside food? When Go

How's it safe to line a wok with foil?

Please see the green arrow. Step 1 below unsettles me...isn't it a fire hazard? Once the wok heats up, won't the foil burn? Even catch on fire? Seafood Basics:

safety of using chamotte stone from hardware supplies store for baking

Should I be concerned about heavy metal poisoning when I use said chamotte stone in an electric home oven? The dough would be placed directly on the hot stone.

Can you boil vegetables along with eggs?

When boiling eggs if you also want to boil vegetables it might be more efficient to boil them with the eggs rather then use more water and another pan. Is it sa

Is it safe to use an enamel/cast iron Dutch oven with small cracks and worn enamel

I have a few-years old enamel/cast iron Dutch oven. I haven’t looked after it that well, and the inside is showing small cracks (crazing), and there is so

What are the safety and warranty implications of steaming bread in a domestic oven?

There are lots of recipes online that suggest mimicking commercial bread ovens by using a water bath and or ice cubes to create a hot, steamy baking environment

Safe bottles for fermented liquids

I have some kombucha scoby that I let go way too long (had to leave town for a bit, new job…) and it has gone to vinegar. I would hate to just throw it o

How might these prawns have been cooked?

Bought these prawns from Tesco. It says already cooked but not how, would these typically have been steamed or baked etc.? When it says ready to eat, does tha

Day 3 My Preserved Limes Are Not Filling the Jar

I packed all the nearly quartered limes I had tightly into a quart jar with plenty of salt. When I finished, there was about 1/3 of the jar empty. I put them in

Would some dry herbs sprinkled on the surface prevent water from superheating in the microwave?

I know about the risks of superheating water in a microwave (and some countermeasures), but suppose that someone didn’t have any sort of wooden skewer, to

is my beet/horseradish relish safe? I changed the recipe

It called for cooked shredded beets, raw chopped cabbage, horseradish, sugar and salt, packed in jars and cover w. vinegar.Nothing else. That seemed inadequate,

Why do we need to reheat food?

Among family, I have found radically different approaches to reheating food that has already been fully cooked. Some will not eat last night's leftovers unless

Home canning coffee?

I've decided i'd prefer to make my own coffee and can it to have on hand when i'm in a pinch then get a bottle of cold brew at the grocery to store in the car.

Is this safe to eat? [duplicate]

I am immunocompromised. Is this safe to eat? Look at its texture. I DON'T KNOW IF IT IS RAW OR COOKED. What it is:

Is it safe if I use house hold scissors instead of special kitchen scissors?

I used scissors to cut a straw for my hydroflask, then I drank out of it. Is is safe if I used plain household scissors? I rinsed the straw before I drank out o