Category "knife-skills"

Is there an easy way to trim the ends off green beans quickly?

A staple in our house is green beans. It's not uncommon that I'll buy 5-10 lbs and blanch or cook them all in one session, to reheat or eat cold in lunches all

Fruit peeling techniques

I came across this page (How to peel a mango) while surfing and I found it very interesting. What kind of methods and knives/kitchen gadgets do you use to peel

What is the difference between "mince" and "dice"?

Some recipes use the term to dice, and other recipes use the term to mince. What is the difference between to dice, and to mince used in culinary?

how to peel a pomegranate efficiently?

Two well known facts about pomegranates: they are yummy they are a pain to peel by hand do you know of any efficient ways to peel pomegranates? by efficient i

A definitive method of dicing an onion

It bugs me that I've just sort of self-taught a method of turning a whole onion into a nicely diced pile. I'm going to assume my method is inefficient and waste

What is a good way to cut potatoes into wedges?

I have tried making potato wedges before but can't seem to find a good way of cutting them up. My pieces always seem to be of assorted sizes - so when they cook

What is the safest, most effective way to cleave through thick bone?

While I was preparing bones for chicken stock today, I was rudely alerted to the fact that my cleaving technique was inadequate for bone-cutting when I nearly c

How can I take apart almonds?

I buy and freeze whole almonds when they go on sale. I use them whole, chop them coarsely for things like bread and chop fine or food process them for things li

Chopping fresh cranberries

Are there any good ways to chop fresh cranberries? It tends to end up a bit tedious for me, not catching too many at a time with the knife, and chasing after th

What is the best approach to cut carrot into thin strips?

So I went to Subway™ and saw that their carrots are cut into thin strips. I can never do this with any knives. So what is the best way to cut carrots into

How do you prepare fresh fennel for cooking?

How do you prepare fresh fennel for cooking? My isntructions just say to "roughly chop", but don't say what parts of the plant to use.

How to cut a crumbly baked item (e.g. cereal bar) without it disintegrating?

When baking something which needs to bind - like a (British) flapjack / cereal bar - I have mixed results when it comes to cutting it, even if I repeat the same

Best way to chop an onion? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:A definitive method of dicing an onion Do I first cut it in half or do I make crosswise incisions before chopping

chef's knife for cutting chicken, or butcher's

Hey guys, I've had a set of Global knives for a few months now and love them. I cut up a whole chicken the other day, and had a bit of trouble getting through

How do I cut bones in preparing a fast brown stock ("fond brun rapide")?

I tried to prepare the bone and skin from a ham shank for use as a kind of brown sauce or stock. The purpose was to fold the reduction into a beef/pork chili. I

Getting better in the kitchen [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Resources for a beginner learning to cook So, I really want to improve my talent in the kitchen. I think I should

How can I dice vegetables on a small cutting board?

I have a fairly small cutting board - about 8.5" x 12.5" (22cm x 32cm), and I am finding it difficult to dice vegetables, especially the onions, without stuff g

How do I cut an oreo?

I recently made some decorated cupcakes that required oreo halves. I tried several methods: serrated knife - lots of crumbs, both halves would shatter plain kn

How to slice smoked salmon really thinly?

I have recently decided to try to home smoke fresh salmon (FYI using a half-size school locker). Once I have the product, though, I am not sure how to slice it

Is it true about a dull knife being more likely to cut you?

I've heard people argue that a dull knife is more likely to cut you than a sharp one. The argument is that you are more likely to cut yourself by applying too