Category "knife-safety"

Is having an extending blade near the knife handle a serious risk when cutting food?

Here's an example of a very typical knife design: Look at where the arrow points. That's a blade part that extends from the handle orthogonal to the knife ax

Do I need to wipe/clean my knife after sharpening/honing?

I'm sharpening honing my cutting knives with a (honing) steel. I'm sure I read/saw somewhere that you should wipe your knives after sharpening honing to remove

How to Debone Oxtail?

I was reading this burger recipe from Serious Eats: It sounds great, but it

Will chopping hard destroy my new knives?

I bought a new set of knives and my dad used the chopping knives to cut onions. Instead of chopping by slicing the onions with the usual technique, he was usi

How do you clear food that sticks to the cutting knife?

I am now typing this with 1.5 hands because like a moron I cleared parsley that stuck to the knife with the edge towards my hand. After a quarter cup of blood i

How sharp should a paring knife be?

Recent bought a chef's knive and a paring knife, both are high carbon stainless steel. The chef's knife is quite sharp and can cut a piece of butcher's twine j

How do I *safely* use an aruvamanai

The aruvamanai is an indian kitchen multitool used by my grandmother's generation consisting of a fixed curved blade on a roughly boat shaped block. Its typic

How do I properly cut a bell pepper into strips?

I often cut bell peppers up for uses in chili, stir-fry, salsas, salads, or any other similar use. What type of knife should I use and how should I cut it? I'm

How do I properly cut a chicken breast into strips or chunks?

I often cut fresh chicken breasts into strips for stir-fry or similar uses. What type of knife should I use and how should I cut it? I'm not trying to debone as

How do I properly mince garlic?

I often need to mince garlic to add to any number of dishes. If I don't want to use a garlic press or microplane, how do I mince it with a knife? What type of

How do I properly mince ginger?

I often need to mince ginger to add to any number of dishes. If I don't want to use a microplane, how do I mince ginger with a knife? What type of knife should

How do I properly cut a bell pepper into a medium dice?

I often cut bell peppers up for uses in chili, stir-fry, salsas, salads, or any other similar use. What type of knife should I use and how should I cut it? I'm

What is a julienne cut?

I'm not familiar with the term "julienne" in cutting and knife skills. What is the purpose of it? How do I safely execute the cut? Related question on applicat

Chef's knife for someone who uses it harshly

I have a loved one who uses their chef's knife in ways that really taxes the knife: prying stuff open, chopping hard straight up and down, etc. As you might ima

How to use knife

I recntly bought a knife the thing is it's heavy a bit and not much sharp in front eventho

How to carry a knife around a kitchen safely?

How do I carry a knife when moving between my cutting station and the sink for cleaning safely? Any way I hold it feels like I'm either endangering my fellow c

Renewing a whetstone? [duplicate]

I think my whetstone has smoothed over by constant use at work, is there a way to repair it or should I just go buy another?