Category "kefir"

Homemade and commercial kefirs

I want to produce kefir at home for personal consumption but I don't know where to find kefir grains. Any ideas? Some of my friends buy commercial kefirs. Do c

How to properly freeze kefir grains

I have been making kefir regularly for a couple years. Lately, however, my family's interest in it has waned and I have been using it less often and so feeding

Nutrient composition of milk vs. home-made kefir

I got a bit confused when looking up nutrition values for milk versus kefir made from that milk. For some reason many tables list higher values of some nutrient

How do I fix overly yeasty kefir?

My milk kefir grains now produce kefir with a very unpleasant yeasty/bready flavor. I've tried feeding it for a while, on the assumption that the yeast/bacteri

Fastest way for cloning Milk Kefir Grains

It's about two weeks that I make Kefir at home. I started with three mid-size Kefir grains, and now I have six ones (three of them are really big) Now my frien

How to separate milk kefir grains?

How many kefir grains will make a quart size of kefir? I think I have too many grains in one batch. I also am still a novice, been at this five months. I enjoy

Frozen Kefir Grains Seem Dead...Any Suggestions?

My kefir grains were frozen by accident when the temp in my fridge was turned way down. I turned the temp back up, and after a couple of days took my grains ou

Cooking with kefir

I cooked with kefir, I poured it on eggplant sauteed in a pan with some water, I used to use yogurt for a similar dish. And the liquid in the cooked dish seems

producing kefir grains from commercial kefir?

I had previously been buying commercial kefir, and then started adding milk (actually half and half) when it ran low and leaving it out to produce more kefir wi

Questions about making hard kefir cheese

I am attempting to make hard kefir cheese in a cheese press. Unfortunately the cheese press I purchased did not come with specific instructions. I was able to

Can kefir whey be refrigerated before being used to ferment other foods?

Is it okay to refrigerate kefir whey for a few days before fermenting other foods with it (i.e., almond butter

How can you consistently separate Kefir into curds and whey for cheesemaking?

I have trouble getting my Kefir to cleanly separate on a consistent basis, despite allowing it to sit out for multiple extra days, prior to refrigeration. As m

What is an appropriate humidity for separating curds and whey?

Does anyone have guidelines for an appropriate humidity for separating curds and whey to make cheese (I'm doing it from kefir)? Specific temperatures are availa

How can I make my kefir milk smooth and creamy instead of watery and grainy?

Just started making kefir last week. My kefir comes out grainy and watery. Here is what I'm doing: I have about 2 tablespoon of kefir I add about 4 cups of 2

When milk is cultured (eg kefir), what changes occur in terms of lactose, glucose and galactose levels?

When milk is cultured (eg kefir), what changes occur in terms of lactose, glucose and galactose levels? What happens to these sugars, and why?

Making my first big batch of Kefir, the milk went bad. Why?

I ordered some Kefir grains online and they arrived looking healthy, at least to my untrained eye. I put them in milk and changed the milk every day for three

My milk kefir molded.. What should I do

I put my dehydrated kefir grains in one cup fresh whole milk and after 24 hours I change the milk and rainse the grains. But after three days they become molded

Ways to separate kefir grains from thickened kefir, how big are the kefir grains?

I'm super-new to the kefir business ^_^ been making it at home for a week from a batch of grains my neighbor left me when his batch overgrew. So, I'm fond of t

How to conserve kefir grains for 2 weeks?

I guess there's no need to freeze them, just keep them dormant, so I guess this question doesn't apply. My thought was to put them into clean milk and into the

Kefir sensitivity to drinking tap water?

I had a batch of kefir go bad - a slightly un-nice parmigiano smell and bits and pieces of proper cheese-like consistency. I tried gently rinsing in water and p