Category "jelly"

How to make a vegetarian coffee jelly?

I have tried to make coffee jelly with agar, but that was disappointing. Even high-quality beans did not get me any good result, compared with gelatin-based rec

Pectin granules in jam

When I make small batches, 1-2 half pints at a time, they turn out perfect with great set and texture. However when I make regular batches of 8 half pints, th

What is better for chilled cheesecake - pectin or gelatin?

I am currently doing my food technology GCSE coursework and need a Lemon Cheesecake recipe for next week. I was planning on having an enriched shortcrust base,

Trusted Custom mold manufacturers for confections

Hello Seasoned advice community, I am new here and just want to say thanks for letting me into your lovely community. =) I am the R&D manager at a confect

Can I reprocess vinegar hot pepper jelly?

I made a batch of jelly last night that just isn't sweet enough. Can I now unseal the jars, reheat, add sugar and re sterilize and seal them?

How could I use liquid flavorings to make a version of a jelly-topped cookie?

I recently tried to make jelly-topped cookies (specific recipe was from home, but here's an example recipe) using an assortment of flavors, including maple syru

Not enough sugar in strawberry jelly

I just made 38 jars of strawberry jelly and realized I did not put all the sugar in recipe. I thought I could scale back until I read the small print on Certgel

"Akiko's special jam"—or, making a bright yellow preserve [closed]

Note to future readers: this question was rightly closed as off-topic (too open-ended), but based on the advice below I ended up making a vers

My jello is not getting firm in the refrigerator

The procedure I followed this time: I started using the microwave to heat up the water. Then I pour both cold and hot water in a bowl, then the package of jello

How to preserve vitamin of fruit juice when making fruit jelly?

To create a jelly, I always use hot water to dissolve synthesized-flavored gelatin. Today, I want to create a more exciting jelly. It uses real orange juice.

Can I turn my unset jelly into cactus fruit gummies instead?

I tried making prickly pear fruit jelly. I accidentally used regular pectin instead of low-sugar pectin. Is there a way that I can turn my unset jelly into cact

Can I make jelly from canned jalapeños?

I've got 10 cans of jalapeños opened and emptied into Tupperware because the cans are the right size for a project, but I don't need the peppers. I'm t

Looking for peach preserves substitute

I'm making a dish that that has a "sweet and sour" sauce to it. The recipe calls for apricot and peach preserves. Unfortunately I am highly allergic to peache

Citrus allergy, need substitute

I’m allergic to lemons, limes, and all citrus fruit. what can I substitute in making my own jams/jellies, other items that seem to require the juice of a

while canning jam or jelly can you put peanut butter inside the jar with it? can both together?

I like to give jam as gifts and it would be neat if i could put peanut butter with it inside the jar. Is this safe or not? Thank you for your time. :)

Why are grape preserves so hard to find in the USA?

When I was much younger my grandmother was always complaining that she could never find grape preserves anymore. That was maybe 20-30 years ago. I recently sta

Can fermented hot peppers be used to make jam / jelly?

I've had a bountiful hot pepper harvest this year and am trying to find a variety of ways to preserve them. Much of my harvest has been lacto-fermented by pure

How can I salvage jelly that does not set?

This is related but not a duplicate of this question. Apparently, I used fresh kiwi and mango in my jelly, and now it does not set. I know what I did wrong; bu

Avoiding poisonous quince juice

I'm cooking jelly from quinces, with core housing and seeds. I try to remove sliced seeds. From the leftover mass I prepare delicious quince bread by passing it

Cooking jelly avoiding overboiling

In the last months I cooked a lot of jelly and found an interesting pattern from my ceran stove top: When the heating unit barely fits under the pot the juice w