Category "grilling"

What kind of steak to use for fajitas?

Following Steven Raichlen's recipe, we used skirt steak to make fajitas on Sunday. I found the meat particularly chewy/tough and rather unpleasant overall. What

How can I tell when chicken thighs are sufficiently cooked to eat?

Last night I was grilling chicken thighs on a barbecue and I was told that if there was any pink inside them, they are not safe to eat. My question is twofold:

What is a cheap but good cut of beef for grilling?

If I grill filet mignon it comes out tender and easy to cut and delicious of course but no matter what other cut of beef I grill it's like eating leather. I'v

What fuel (burning material) gives the best flavor to meat when barbequing?

I normally barbecue with charcoal, but I've seen wood chips in shops, so I started wondering... I assume the material you use gives a different flavor to the me

A steak story: dry crust

I followed all of the tips. Prime sirloin, taken out an hour before cooking. Salted thoroughly 30 minutes prior. Patted dry with paper towels. Thrown on a h

I would like to try grilling fruit - any suggestions? [closed]

I had a catered lunch the other day that had grilled fruit (apples, pineapples) it was great and I wanted to try it at home. Are there any ti

Do different wood types work better for grilling different meats/fishes?

If I'm using my gas grill (adding charcoal and wood) and wanted to try to get different flavors out of different wood types, is there a guideline for which wood

Lump Charcoal vs Briquettes and variations in brands

I've been experimenting with BBQ on a variety of smokers for the past few years. Originally I tried some Kingsford Briquettes and had a hard time managing the

How can I control the heat when cooking on a campfire?

In a few weeks a group of us will be camping and rafting. My wife and I have been assigned dinner responsibility. I've done the hamburger/hot-dog thing on camp

How can I smoke a large chicken on an outdoor grill and still keep the skin edible?

I smoked a large chicken in an off-set barbecue pit using burning wood only (no charcoal). The meat turned out great, but the skin was saturated with smoke, bit

Does it make sense to parboil spare ribs before you roast or grill them?

I was thinking about doing it as a time saving device - any recommendations?

Preparation Techniques for Tilapia Filets

In my freezer, I have two thin tilapia filets that need to be eaten. I realize that I can: wrap them in foil with seasoning and cook bake or broil them with b

Why does the grate of my charcoal grill keep rusting?

By the end of every summer it seems like the grate of my charcoal grill is rusty. Does anyone know how I can keep it from rusting and whether or not the rust is

How do you cook grass-fed beef so it is not tough?

I recently went to a farmers market and bought some grass-fed beef. I went with what we normally buy, and got a couple of bone-in thick cut ribeye. I typicall

What are some grilling tools that everyone should have?

What are some grilling tools that a beginner should have when purchasing a new grill? Additionally, are there tools that are useful for the more advanced outdo

How do you season/prepare a wood plank for Plank Grilling?

I wanted to Plank Grill a Salmon, after hearing about how much Jarrod enjoyed it: Besides salmon, what other meats can be grilled on a cedar plank? How do I

Is it safe to use a cast iron skillet over a chimney starter?

I want to pan-fry a burger tonight, but I don't want the smoke or smell in the house (we don't have a range hood, just an anemic exhaust fan that dates from the

How to safely grill meat/fruit/veggie skewers

This weekend we grilled kebabs with steak, onions, peppers, and big pineapple spears. No ill effects, but I noticed that the pineapple was still cool where it

Grilling burgers: flip once, or keep flipping?

When grilling burgers I usually flip several times, but have recently been advised to cook forever on once side, flip once, cook and be done. Is that the best

When does the rule "only flip meat once" not apply?

Title says it all and this is not just a burger question, what about those steaks, chicken breasts, pork chops on the grill?