Category "dessert"

Making Pâté à bombe without sugar thermometer

The recipe says that the sugar syrup must reach 120C, but I have no sugar thermometer. Can it be done without a thermometer? Dissolve the sugar in a medium

Help in identifying Scandinavian dessert recipe

Background -- I made this recipe as part of a group project (in college) that was preparing different foods from around the world. My group had Scandinavia, but

Can I substitute vodka for rum in tiramisu?

Specifically in this recipe: Tiramisu-II The reason why I'm asking this is I only have vodka at home, and I rarely drink. So I don't want to buy any kind of li

How to bake bread and desserts without an oven?

Preface: I already read Is it possible to bake a cake without an oven? and Baking pizza without an oven. The package of many prearranged, UNcooked frozen flour

Copycat Lime Jello?

My mother used to make this Pear Lime Gelatin recipe that was so good and so pretty for dinner parties. I would like to replicate it, but without buying the pre

Why does my apple crumble develop a bitter aftertaste?

I tend to make Apple Crumble in a very basic way, using Bramley apples cooked down with plenty of sugar ( enough to leave a little tartness to balance out the s

How much sugar and vanilla extract should I use in 1/2 gallon of ice cream?

I've lost a simple ice cream recipe I used prior to making custards, and I find occasionally I'd like to make it since it's much simpler and faster - can be mad

Home made popsicles sticking to mold

We had some great organic popsicles made from pineapple. They were a bit pricey so we decided to make some ourselves. The problem is that we can't get them to r

Why do we like dessert, but not extremely salty, sour, umami, or bitter foods alone? [closed]

This is a "soft" question that's been bothering me for a while. When cooking savory dishes, we usually try to balance out the five basic flav

What is the difference between crème anglaise and crème pâtissière?

I am amateur and novice baker. I cannot differentiate the two recipes. Are they only different in proportion? I know that the two are egg-based, mixed with sug

How to make soft popsicles

Frozen juice or frozen punch freeze up as a solid block of ice. I want them to be more like a sorbet or gelato, though still solid enough to hold the shape. H

What does flour do to cheesecake?

After looking through cheesecake recipes with a co-worker we discovered that many cheesecake recipes include ~1/4 cup of flour while other recipes contain none

What's the difference between a cobbler, crisp, crumble, buckle, and betty?

I've heard all these terms at different times but never really understood the differences. What distinguishes various fruit-and-topping desserts such as a cobbl

The sugar mixture of my baklava did not melt

The baklava filling made with sugar nuts and spices, was harder. Why did this happen? I poured on the syrup mixture, hoping this would soften it up. No luck.

What went wrong with this bundt cake?

I've tried making Baked's Ultra Lemony Lemon Bundt Cake four times (recipe here:

How to keep meringue white while baking?

I made pavlovas last week from 4 egg whites and about a cup of sugar whipped together to a SUPER form meringue. I piped them on to a tray and baked first on 120

Creating a specific cream for a cake?

My grandma used to make a waffle cake with chocolate cream filling, Romanian/Hungarian/Russian style. My mom is trying to recreate it, without success. But sh

How would you restore sweetness and moisture in this bundt cake?

This is a follow-up to my first question about this bundt cake recipe. I baked that bundt cake again with some changes from a blog post that @Stephie's answer

How do you make the shell for this dinosaur egg dessert?

I found this very interesting dessert online: How can I make this? In particular, how would you make the eggshell?

Italian meringue deflated after adding sugar

I've only ever made French meringue prior to this, and I've only ever used whole, separated eggs. In this case, I used egg whites out of a carton (probably sho