Category "cream"

Why does whip cream dispenser sometimes produce "ragged" cream?

Sometimes I make whipped cream in my ISI cream whipper and it comes out beautifully fluffy and smooth, and other times when I dispense it, the cream looks "ragg

Does adding brandy to whipped cream make it fall quicker?

I make whipped cream frequently, but this was the first time I added "real" alcohol, and it fell within 20 minutes. I put both the bowl and beaters in the free

How do I infuse fruit flavor in ganache?

I know to infuse the flavor of citrus fruits in ganache, I can simple boil the cream with the zest and strain it out. What about fruits that have juice but don'

How does a whipped cream charger work?

I recently got an iSi whipped cream container that charges with nitrous cannisters. I don't really understand how the thing works, which I think would help my u

How to make scalded (clotted) cream?

I can't buy clotted cream in New Zealand, so I'd love to learn how to make it. I have a friend who can provide raw milk. What's the technique?

curdling cream in lemon spaghetti

My question is about adding heavy cream or half 'n half to a dish. Olive oil is in a skillet over low heat. Next add lemon juice, a ladle of pasta cooking water

Can clotted cream be made with UHT cream?

I've followed a couple of recipes for clotted cream without success and it seems that pasteurization is the issue. I'm told that I need to use either unpasteuri

What is Light Cream

I have a recipe for chocolate pudding that calls for Light Cream. I haven't ever seen light cream in the store. What is it? Also what can be used as a substi

Can you help me get my cream pie filling stiff enough?

Everytime I make a pie, I get a different result as far as the stiffness of the pie. I am trying to perfect coconut cream pie (and other cream pies). I have

Why did my Crème Fraiche split?

I have made a recipe where I take a number of ingredients and cover them with Creme Fraiche and then bake it in the oven for a while. I have been making this re

Mousseline sauce, use the white or the yolk of the egg?

I always used the yolk of the egg for preparing mousseline sauce, but sometimes I see recipes on the web where they use the white of the egg. Like in the defi

Why is butter usually labeled "Sweet Cream"?

Most (or even all?) butter found at the grocery store is labeled "sweet cream". Is there a distinction between this and another type of cream, and if so, what

Can ruined whipped cream be rescued?

If you whip mayonnaise too long and ruin it, you can restart with a new yolk and reuse the ruined mayonnaise. Is there a similar way to rescue whipped cream th

Which kind of cream do I use for creme brulee?

I'm following this recipe to make cream brulee: I'm a little confused over the correct type of cream to use. They

Preserving leftover double cream

I've got about 200ml of Double Cream (48% butterfat apparently) that I don't think i'll use before it goes off. What simple (~5 minute) things can you make wit

Would a cream based sauce go well with steaks?

I've reached a point where I am very comfortable with a nice red wine/shallot reduction as a pan sauce for my strip roasts/steaks. I think I remember have a me

Why don't the single serve coffee cream cups need to be refrigerated?

It seems to me that it would be subject to the same bacterial/spoiling processes that the larger containers are. And if it's that opening a container exposes t

How to prevent separation/layers in panna cotta?

I recently discovered how easy it is to make panna cotta via a recipe by Mark Bittman. The only problem I found was that my panna cotta started to visibly separ

why add a shot of vodka to a cream sauce?

I don't understand what reason there would be to add vodka to a cream-based pasta sauce. Vodka is allegedly tasteless, and the alcohol burns off. So why? Is i

Can I make potato dauphinoise/potato gratin/gratin dauphinoise without cream and just milk?

Tonight I'm going to make potato dauphinoise but I don't have any cream - at all - and all the recipes call for it! I should also note I have no creme fraiche