Category "cod"

Can I make baccala (Italian salted cod) at home relatively easily?

I would like to make some Italian baccalà dishes. However, I am unable to get my hands on baccalà. Also I have a box of frozen cod fillets sitting

after re-hydrating and desalinating a salted cod it became slightly brown

I bought a dried and salted cod (aka Bacalhau) and cut it into pieces, used some of those and left about half of it in a dry, dark area in the kitchen cabinet f

re-hydrate dried and salted cod with water and milk

I usually re-hydrate and desalinate dried and salted cod with water, changing the water several times during 48 -72 hours, keeping the fish refrigerated during

Why did my cod turn into a hockey puck

I have a way of cooking cod loin which has never failed me before. This time, large parts of each loin became so rubbery as to be unchewable. I know several t